R.I.P. Brandy Vaughan

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Brandy Vaughan was a lady who had devoted her life to exposing big pharma, after she quit working for the pharmaceutical company “Merk”. She founded “Learn The Risk“. She has been very vocal against vaccines and especially the “CONVID19” vaccine. She had recently made a video telling about mysterious break-ins to her home and finding certain items moved. She felt as if her home had been bugged. She had talked on the phone telling a friend that she felt like a “sitting duck” then low and behold she said that one day she found a duck statue in her back yard. On December 8, 2020 she was found dead. There are very evil people in this world that want to silence people like her. It’s very strange that she has been speaking out on a controversial subject and then she started having the break ins. Here is the video of her talking about the break ins.


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