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This is the Situation Update for 10-8-21 from The Health Ranger
Multiple topic red alert.
– Major power grid blackouts will occur this winter across the USA due to lack of coal and natural gas supplies, all tracking back to the libtard policies of “green energy” that have dismantled the power grid infrastructure across the USA, Europe and other nations. Full details in the Brighteon.TV episode posted below.
Generator manufacturers are already sold out. We checked with WINCO, makers of tractor-powered PTO generators. New orders placed with WINCO today won’t ship until 2022. Smaller generator units are being wiped out of retail. This weekend may be the very last weekend anyone can find generators, and it’s only October. The real blackouts should be expected in January / February of 2022 when temps drop and power grid demand surges.
Those who bought electric cars will, of course, be stranded. Seems only fitting…
– Food company Augason Farms just issued a letter to its suppliers, declaring it will “cease operations for 90 days,” stating, “Augason Farms cannot fulfill any orders at this time.”
The company is having critical supply chain failures combined with extraordinary demand. This is happening across multiple supply chains.
(The Health Ranger Store will have our last “Ranger Buckets” of the year available on Nov. 11th, and that’s it for the remainder of the year. They will likely be sold out in about two hours, once they go live on Nov 11th.)
Biden’s disastrous economic policies and covid lockdowns are wreaking havoc on labor pools and supply chains. It’s going to get far, far worse throughout this “Dark Winter.”
Watch my 24-minute Brighteon TV episode covering all this here:
You are watching a movie… it’s all theater
Meanwhile, the indy media has now widely confirmed that fake president Joe Biden has been staging his “Oval Office” press conferences from a sound stage located in the Eisenhower Executive building in D.C. We have photos of this in today’s podcast, below.
We also have confirmation that a Getty Images photo that has been making the rounds is, indeed, 100% authentic. This image, which appears to show some sort of prosthetic face attachment (see below), has been making the rounds among conspiracy analysts. The lying mainstream media claims the photo is fake, but we’ve tracked it down and confirmed it’s 100% real. Getty Images has the original photo at this link, and it is editorial #1235181192.

Zoomed in, you can see both the rectangular skin / mask tag near the ear, as well at what appears to be a prosthetic glue line along the edge of the person’s jaw, where a facial prosthetic would be glued to their neck skin:

Given the fake Oval Office sound stage and the election fakery, it seems plausible that an actor may be “playing” Joe Biden while wearing a hyper realistic mask. Or perhaps the real Biden still exists, but is replaced by stand-in actors from time to time. This is not an uncommon practice, by the way, as anyone who studies history would know.
For those who aren’t familiar with hyper realistic masks, the following video will be mind-blowing:
Here’s another video showing how easily a person can be transformed into a convincing “old man” by wearing a silicone mask:
And this video shows how even a quick off-the-shelf mask can achieve convincing lip movements:
It is well known that that US government has body double / face masking technology that’s far beyond what you see in the videos above. Essentially, the face mask technology you see in “Mission Impossible” movies is now a reality.
Listen to the Situation Update podcast for full details. The fake masking covering begins at 53:11 in the video below (the first 30 minutes or so are a repeat of the rolling blackouts episode posted above).