Will a Twitter-space presidential run announcement be enough for DeSantis to flip the American Trump base, and is Trump worthy of such base?
Mindy Robinson joins Stew to talk about how Ron DeSantis’s presidential run announcement, is just the kickoff for the large scale wacko-show known as American elections.
DeSantis is either out of touch or pompous to believe he stands a chance against Trump – but despite all odds he entered in the race and is campaigning with the help from billionaires like Elon Musk.
The Twitter-space announcement was nothing more than a targeted and scripted questionnaire made to inflate DeSantis’s character so he could appear strong enough to fight with the big dogs.
But does it matter – are our elections even based on how we vote?
Mindy says the GOP will select and seat the next “leader” of America, and that Democrats are down and out for the count after their attempts of running the county with Sleepy Joe.
It’s unlikely Biden will be successful in a presidential campaign and reelection, but players like Ron DeSantis have already received favor from the GOP and proven they will do their bidding.
The unconditional “hate speech” bill passed in FL, and singed in Israel just goes to show that Ron will compromise on American freedoms in order to line his pockets and sellout to the powerful.
His “book tour” wasn’t made to win the votes of Americans, but instead was a world wide door-knocking event where DeSantis received the blessings from foreign nations who want a part in our elections!
All of the blatant fraud that was facilitated by our government in our previous elections still exists today – Americans need to stop paying attention to rambling Ron and demand election integrity so we can actually represent our interests with our votes.
Mindy Robinson says Trump is still our best vote, but even he has grave mistakes and must humble himself in order to preserve the idea that he will defend Americans in the face of foreign adversity.