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Democrats are defending the unprecedented raid on Trump’s home. They claim President Trump “violated” the law by taking documents with him from the White House.
Can Democrats explain why they didn’t do this to Obama—even though he took millions of documents with him?
Will they break into Obama’s “mansion” in Martha’s Vineyard?”
When Barack Obama left office, he took 30 million pages of documents with him.
The New York Post’s James Bovard recently chronicled the numerous flagrant violations of the Public Records Act by the Obama administration, including now-president Joe Biden himself.
At the end of his presidency, Barack Obama trucked 30 million pages of his administration’s records to Chicago, promising to digitize them and eventually put them online — a move that outraged historians.
More than five years after Obama’s presidency ended, the National Archives webpage reveals that zero pages have been digitized and disclosed. People can file requests via the Freedom of Information Act (a law Obama helped wreck) to access Obama records, but responses from presidential libraries can be delayed for years, even more than a decade, if the information is classified.
President Donald Trump posted on TRUTH Social on Thursday to point out the blatant hypocrisy in his treatment compared to former President Barack Obama:
“At the end of his presidency, Barack Obama trucked 30 million pages of his administration’s records to Chicago, promising to digitize them and eventually put them online — a move that outraged historians. More than five years after Obama’s presidency ended, the National Archives webpage reveals that zero pages have been digitized and disclosed.”

Unlike the recent raid on President Trump, the FBI did not think it was necessary to raid Obama’s home or office.

Obama claimed he was allowed to take the documents citing the very law Democrats are saying Trump broke.
Obama promised he’d “digitize” the files and make them available to the National Archives.
However, over five years since he left office, none of the files he took are available online.
Despite all this, the FBI did not think it was necessary to raid Obama’s home or office. But unfortunately, it seems when it comes to President Trump, the case is not-so-clear.

The FBI raid at President Trump’s home, Mar-a-Lago, was put “under siege” by FBI agents and reportedly occurred over overdue documents allegedly kept there by President Trump.

The FBI and DOJ were aware of these documents and fine with President Trump’s possession of them so long as he complied with the increased security required–which he did.
President Trump’s statement on Truth Social, August 10th
Unless the feds can reveal proof of far more severe Trump crimes, Monday’s raid was one of the most prominent outrages in recent law-enforcement history. Even New York’s former Gov. Andrew Cuomo posted on Twitter:
“DOJ must immediately explain the reason for its raid & it must be more than a search for inconsequential archives, or it will be viewed as a political tactic and undermine any future credible investigation.”
Even former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang expressed severe concern about the raid’s profound implications on Twitter:
“I’m no Trump fan. I want him as far away from the White House as possible,” Yang said. “But a fundamental part of his appeal has been that it’s him against a corrupt government establishment. This raid strengthens that case for millions of Americans who will see this as unjust persecution.”
“It seems like this was authorized by a local judge and a particular FBI office without buy-in or notification of higher levels of government,” Yang claimed. “But literally no one will believe that or make a distinction. It’s probably bureaucratic but it seems political.”
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) also shared the article on Twitter:
Before Twitter suspended Investigative journalist Paul Sperry, he noted the Spygate connection:
SARCASM: If Presidential documents must be appropriately preserved…. will the FBI be coming after Nancy Pelosi next?