Back in March of 2020, when the COVID19 “plandemic” was rolling out, I saw the direction society was headed. It was like I could see into the future and knew that this insanity would still be going on a year from then. Well, here we are a year later and look at all of the sheeple that have been complying and submitting to all of their liberties and freedoms being slaughtered. I have not worn a single mask, nor have I changed my daily life in any way. I question people about this madness every chance I get. Many more people are finally standing up to the tyranny, but not nearly enough are. Below is an excellent video that Brian from “High Impact Tv” did about his visit to a dentist’s office. In the video Brian shows us how the mentality of “see, that’s all you’ve got to do” is destroying our freedom. Like Brian says, “one thing leads to another and then you wake up in a conquered land, filled with conquered people who didn’t hold the line and say enough is enough!”