
Cuba blocks internet access, ham radio broadcasts after protests to prevent the people from communicating

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ The Cuban government has blocked access to the internet and amateur radio frequencies following widespread protests. Cuban citizens took to the streets to express anger toward food and medicine shortages and electricity outages. Given that the protests in Cuba were organized through social media, fears of similar censorship also emerged in the

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Cuba blocks internet access, ham radio broadcasts after protests to prevent the people from communicating Read More »

US Physicians will now lose their medical license for reporting vaccine injuries and providing informed consent to patients

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ When physicians receive their medical license, they must pronounce their intellectual devotion and allegiance to the vaccine industry and its myriad of false narratives. Any healthcare professional who dares question “the science” risks losing their medical license. Any doctor who speaks out-of-line against forceful vaccine propaganda could be stripped of

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US Physicians will now lose their medical license for reporting vaccine injuries and providing informed consent to patients Read More »

Mike Lindell Slams FOX, Media, Politicians – Promises 100% Evidence at Cyber Symposium

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The ‘Media’ Has Completely ATTACKED and Attempted to Silence THIS MESSAGE! Just 5 days until Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium, Lindell appeared on the Stew Peters Show to make a final promise to the world. In no uncertain terms, Lindell vowed to release the evidence the media absolutely does not want you to see, including the

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Mike Lindell Slams FOX, Media, Politicians – Promises 100% Evidence at Cyber Symposium Read More »

This Video was removed by YouTube 5 hours after uploading: $500 Trillion Lawsuit against the FEDERAL GOVT and over 140 MONOPOLISTS

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Friends of the Original Constitution’s video exposing the FEDERAL GOVT as a fraudulent FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as our government and introduces the Declaration of Restoration that calls for a Constitutional Convention & Court to prosecute the Defendants in We the People’s $500 Trillion Lawsuit: to get back our money, our health, our Liberty and the

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This Video was removed by YouTube 5 hours after uploading: $500 Trillion Lawsuit against the FEDERAL GOVT and over 140 MONOPOLISTS Read More »

JOURNO-TERRORISM strikes again: Extreme threats, witch hunt tactics force Dr. Mercola to take down his ENTIRE website, wiping out 25 years of articles on nutrition and wellness

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Big Pharma’s media lackeys — “journo-terrorists” — have struck again, this time unleashing a wave of death threats and vitriol against Dr. Joseph Mercola of Mercola.com, who just announced he’s been forced to take down his entire website of articles and interviews. His work represents 25 years of research and writing

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JOURNO-TERRORISM strikes again: Extreme threats, witch hunt tactics force Dr. Mercola to take down his ENTIRE website, wiping out 25 years of articles on nutrition and wellness Read More »

CNN and Andersen Cooper slapped with $100 million defamation suit over their conspiracy to suppress viable covid treatments

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ CNN and their nightly propagandist, Anderson Cooper, spent tremendous amounts of time and energy attacking the science on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and demeaning doctors who cured every single one of their patients using HCQ in their treatment protocols. Instead of being labeled “anti-science” or “anti-immunity,” CNN continued to mock HCQ and slander doctors who helped

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CNN and Andersen Cooper slapped with $100 million defamation suit over their conspiracy to suppress viable covid treatments Read More »

As a ‘Big Pharma’ induced medical catastrophe unfolds across America, radical leftist threatens to ‘treat Republicans like Nazis did the Jews’ and ‘be as murderous as possible’

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ While Robert W Malone, MD is definitely not a ‘household name’, he should be. (Article by Stefan Stanford republished from AllNewsPipeLine.com) The actual inventor of the mRNA injection that big pharma is now mass producing in their attempts to ‘fight Covid’ according to Wikipedia, Dr. Malone is now blowing up the ‘twitter-verse’ with one tweet after another ripping the

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As a ‘Big Pharma’ induced medical catastrophe unfolds across America, radical leftist threatens to ‘treat Republicans like Nazis did the Jews’ and ‘be as murderous as possible’ Read More »

YouTube takes down American Conservative Union video about Trump’s lawsuit against Big Tech censorship

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ YouTube’s censorship of conservatives continues in full swing as The American Conservative Union (ACU) reports that the platform has deleted one of its videos covering class-action lawsuits filed by former President Donald Trump against several parties, including YouTube’s owner, Google. In addition, the ACU was banned from posting any new

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YouTube takes down American Conservative Union video about Trump’s lawsuit against Big Tech censorship Read More »

Biden administration urges Big Tech to intensify censorship and violate the First Amendment

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ The Biden administration is calling on Big Tech to censor narratives that the government considers “misinformation” about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Misinformation is defined by health officials as information that is false, inaccurate or misleading, according to the best available evidence. On Thursday, July 15, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued the first public health

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Biden administration urges Big Tech to intensify censorship and violate the First Amendment Read More »