wake up sheeple

More child guinea pigs needed: FDA asks for more children to take part in experimental trials of deadly coronavirus vaccines

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked for more children to participate in Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine trials. It explained the trials will determine if cases of cardiac inflammation are common among younger groups. The FDA reached out to Pfizer and Moderna, whose mRNA vaccines were linked to the side effect, for this

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More child guinea pigs needed: FDA asks for more children to take part in experimental trials of deadly coronavirus vaccines Read More »

St. Louis orders all vaccinated residents to return to mandatory masking while indoors, effectively admitting that vaccines don’t work to stop the spread of covid

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” have failed to stop the media from claiming a new “surge” in “cases,” prompting the City of St. Louis to reinstate its mask mandate. Regardless of a person’s vaccination status, St. Louis is requiring that everyone wear a mask when venturing indoors. The city is also strongly

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St. Louis orders all vaccinated residents to return to mandatory masking while indoors, effectively admitting that vaccines don’t work to stop the spread of covid Read More »

Dozens of peer-reviewed science papers prove that face masks are dangerous, ineffective

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ At least 47 published scientific papers confirm that face masks are utterly useless at preventing Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) infection and spread, while another 32 point out the specific health damage caused by wearing a mask. Contrary to government and media claims, face coverings are not in any way a solution to

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Dozens of peer-reviewed science papers prove that face masks are dangerous, ineffective Read More »

CDC confesses to COVID-19 “vaccines” being a medical HOAX… vaxxed individuals shown to have HIGHER viral loads and can be super-spreaders

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Many people seem to have missed it, but the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made a powerful admission this week that completely upends everything we have been told for the past several months about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.” In a shocking announcement, the CDC actually confessed to the fact that the

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CDC confesses to COVID-19 “vaccines” being a medical HOAX… vaxxed individuals shown to have HIGHER viral loads and can be super-spreaders Read More »

Health freedom is the hottest political issue on the entire Globe, and our world will never be the same after this

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ We are witnessing an epic global struggle for freedom, and the outcome of that struggle is going to greatly shape what our world is going to look like in the years ahead.  Ultimately, one of the most fundamental rights that we have is the right to make our own health

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Health freedom is the hottest political issue on the entire Globe, and our world will never be the same after this Read More »

Pfizer engineered agreements with governments saying they had to pay for the COVID-19 vaccines whether they worked or not, with NO recourse for injuries or failures

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Blockbuster revelations posted to social media earlier this week make it clear, again, why fewer and fewer Americans trust Big Pharma and other medical corporations. A Twitter user posted a copy of the contract Pfizer, who makes one of three COVID-19 vaccines along with Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, requires

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Pfizer engineered agreements with governments saying they had to pay for the COVID-19 vaccines whether they worked or not, with NO recourse for injuries or failures Read More »

Entire vaccine theory OBLITERATED as Biden promises you can’t catch Covid if you get the vaccination, so then how can unvaccinated people be any threat to the vaccinated?

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ If the Covid vaccines really work, then everyone who gets them should not ever be worried about catching it from anyone who doesn’t get the jab. The installed fake president Joe Biden said, “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.” So if vaccines protect you 100

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Entire vaccine theory OBLITERATED as Biden promises you can’t catch Covid if you get the vaccination, so then how can unvaccinated people be any threat to the vaccinated? Read More »