I see it everyday, everywhere I go. Nearly every person I see has it in their hands. While they are driving, shopping, eating, and more. You know what I’m talking about. The smartphone. I am guilty of this as well, but not to the extreme that I see some people clutched to theirs. I use mine the same way I use a drill, as a tool. I am not hooked into social media and texting. In fact I can’t stand to text. I also did not get into the smartwatch fad. Even if I did I would use it as a tool as well. I see where technology is headed and it is being used by the technocrats as a “tool” against our freedom. The technocrats were very crafty in the way that they have gotten most humans addicted to the very thing that will take their freedom in the long run. Just look what television has done to program so many over the decades.
Below is a video with David Icke warning us about how technology will end up taking our freedom.
If we allow it.