“Those who expect to be both ignorant and free, expect what never was and never will be.”
― Thomas Jefferson
Whether you want to admit it to yourself, you are living through a war right now. There may not be gunfire and grenades exploding all around you but there is most certainly a war taking place worldwide. This war is being fought in a way so that average people do not realize the casualties that will follow. This is all by design. For the majority of people, who act like sheep, they just want to keep grazing on the sports, tv shows, social media, and other distractions and only poke their heads up every now and then to check which way the wind is blowing. Then they go right back to grazing on the distractions.
Why is it so easy for people like me and others, that are hyper vigilant, to see what is being done to humanity? For me, I think a lot of my abuse as a child taught me to be hyper vigilant. Imagine having to know constantly if your father was going to back hand you and cuss you out or that around every turn a group of guys were going to pounce on you at school. After living like that as a child, it becomes second nature. I am always in “condition yellow” which means I am always on the look out for trouble. That includes my daily life and anything else coming down the pipeline.
When you are in a war, information about the battles are critical to your survival. Whether it be information that you collect with your own scouting or information that others are providing. Whenever you come across good intel, don’t think to yourself “oh this is too long to read or listen to”. That is exactly what the enemy wants you to do. They want you to stay a dumbed down sheeple and keep grazing on what “they feed you”.
Take some time to listen to Ann Vandersteel. Michael Yon, and Alex Jones as they provide you with intel on the current war that you are a part of whether you want to admit it or not.