“The Mask Police”…

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I have not worn one of these “slave muzzles” this entire year and I don’t intend to start now. When I enter a “public accommodation” and an associate of such asks about a mask I respond with, “I have religious and medical objections“. I make sure to look them square in the eyes when I say it. They will generally say “okay” or nothing back to me. I also wear a bodycam into every store I enter. It’s much better than having to use a phone to record any interactions that may arise. I suggest that everybody that wants to stand up to the “virtue signaling mask police” to do the same. If you are approached by a customer who is harassing you about not wearing a slave muzzle STAND YOUR GROUND. Do this without making a big scene. Silence is a powerful messenger. Stand there and look the person straight in the eye and say what I referred to above. Then do not say anything and go about your business. If they put their hands on you, then you have it on video. If you have to defend yourself, do it.

Below is a video of a man harassing a women about not wearing a “slave muzzle”.

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