The “Movie” That Is Playing…

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On January 20, 2021 America watched a movie named “The Fake Inauguration of Joe Biden“. This “act“, that was sold to the sheeple, was pre-recorded. There were several instances of where people were visible and then suddenly they vanished. There were several people that have said that they were watching it when Lady Gaga was walking out and they changed the channel and on another network she was finished singing. They started this “act” early, before 12:01 hours. There was no 21 gun salute. What was shown was what is done for a fallen soldier or a visiting foreign dignitary. Biden did not arrive on a governmental plane. Trump however, left out on Air Force One and got a 21 gun salute.

Then we see the fake Whitehouse setting with Biden signing fake executive orders. You can clearly see that through the window behind Biden is not the Rose Garden. There is a truck of some sort seen. The wallpaper has been changed. It all matches the same movie set that Castle Rock owns. The liberals are clearly trying to “sell” the appearance of something that is clearly not true. This country knows that there was election fraud. But then that is exactly what the government is – FRAUD!

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