I came across a post on the internet that clearly spells out the kind of attitude that American people need to have right now. If all Americans suddenly had this mindset, we would be past all of this made up propaganda. Read these words and try to adapt to this wolf mindset instead of being a sheeple.
“My refusal to wear a mask has ZERO to do with not caring about the safety of other people. I refuse because I won’t comply with a lie….Masks won’t stop this virus. It is clear that COVID is not what they have tried to sell us it is. I refuse because I have seen first hand the government incrementally strip away the rights of the people, all under the guise of: “It’s no big deal” “It’s for the greater good” NOPE! I don’t care if it’s something as minor as chewing gum. I’m not giving up my right to anything just to inch closer and closer to some anti-Christ agenda or New World Order. I refuse because the death rates are inflated. People dying from car accidents, gun shot wounds, influenza, cancer, etc. are being classified as dying FROM COVID. It’s manipulation… and I’m not walking around breathing my own carbon dioxide just so the SHEEPLE don’t have a fit. I’m not sick. Asymptomatic transmission is incredibly rare, according to the World Health Organization. I’m not fearful. If you are, stay home. And I’m not going to live in fear or under the thumb of a government who wants to tell me to cover my face and attempt to ban me from worshiping in church. Other countries haven’t locked anything down, some haven’t worn masks, and the planet hasn’t disintegrated. I’m not going anywhere until God says so, and neither are you – mask or no mask.”