They are abusing the healthcare trust…

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These tyrants and elites are actually pure genius. They have been working on this for quite some time and have executed a perfect weapon in this war. If you don’t believe that you are living in a war right now, then of course you are a sheeple. They have manipulated the healthcare system to act as their “soldiers“. What a perfect thing to use, since so many sheeple trust whatever a healthcare worker says! I have not been to a medical doctors office in over 10 years. I got tired of being treated like a “number on an assembly line“. All they ever do is take blood and “push pills“. I was told that I would have to take certain medications for the rest of my life or else I would die by a doctor. (Here’s a glimpse of reality– we will all die one day. Don’t fear it and they lose control over you.) One of those was Lipitor. The years I took that poison were some of the most debilitating years of my life. My muscles ached constantly. I finally said enough is enough! I stopped all of these medications, that supposedly I was going to have to take for the rest of my life or I would die. I stopped taking them cold turkey 8 years ago and guess what? I’m still here! I feel better today than at anytime I was putting that crap in my body!

Below is a very intelligent video that should help wake up any sheeple that have not been paying attention.

I originally had this video coming from You Tube, they deleted it from the original source. That should tell you that they do not want people seeing it.

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