This Should Frighten You!

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Recently I posted “Could The Test Be The Virus?” and asked the question if they could be delivering something to people being tested through the nose. Well Brian from High Impact TV brought up this article that should be alarming to anyone that cares what is put into their bodies. In this article, it shows that there have been these microscopic “machines” developed by none other than The John Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering. It describes that these tiny “drug delivery” tools are so small that dozens of them can be placed on the end of a swab, as seen in the picture above. It says that they “latch onto” the intestinal mucosa and keep the drug load inside the GI tract for a desired duration of time. I must say that this should be of the upmost concern for people getting tested for this “CONVID19”. They could be putting who knows what into your body! You may say, “oh but I trust them“. If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that the elite, the government, and “big pharma” are not to be trusted. Here is the link to the article.


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