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Big Pharma shelled out billions of dollars extra to U.S. doctors who bombarded their patients with experimental, dangerous, vascular-clogging clot shots also known as “Covid vaccinations.” It was a no-holds-barred mass human experiment with gene-mutating injections never even proven safe or effective on animals.
The FDA never approved them, and they did NOT qualify for the “Emergency Use Authorization” protocol, even though the lying, talking heads at the CDC said they would “flatten the curve.” Thousands of U.S. doctors got more and more loads of cash for every patient they injected, and the bonuses were bigger in a week than most Americans make at their job over an entire year. Think about that for a minute.
Deadly mRNA injections promoted with lavish bonuses revealed by leaked insurance documents
Health insurance companies are on the hook now for increasing cash payouts on an INCREMENTAL SCALE for the most patients any doctor could shoot up with the deadly myocarditis-inducing clot shots for Covid. We’re talking thousands of dollars daily here. It’s cash over ethics when it comes to deadly Covid “treatments” in America, and around the world.

Peddling deadly jabs for cash is worse than peddling snake oil. U.S. doctors have no business pushing “medications” that are not FDA approved, not safe, not effective, and completely experimental. Plus, the more shots each human gets, the less immune they are to the next variants, and it goes round and round, until all immunity is lost, and the human suffers from autoimmune disorders.
Someone who works for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield leaked a document out to journalists showing how the health provider creating a massive Covid jab incentive program against the Hippocratic Oath doctors are supposed to uphold at all times. Oops. Most U.S. doctors couldn’t care less, as they push venom-peptide based pharmaceuticals and deadly vaccines on every human, including newborn babies and pregnant mothers. Who cares if they die, or get autism, or heart disorders, because the cash incentives are massive, right?
Meanwhile, the health care companies lied through their teeth, saying the shots were all safe and effective, and the… “best and safest ways people can protect themselves and their families against the virus.” Sure. Now look at them all. People are dropping dead like flies from myocarditis, pericarditis, strange rubbery vascular clots, heart attacks, strokes – and it’s all labeled “Died Suddenly” in the mainstream news.
It went like this: “As a participating practice in the COVID-19 Provider Vaccine Incentive program, we recognize your hard work by offering incentives for helping patients make the choice to become vaccinated.” (Anthem Medicaid)
Some doctors were paid bonuses of $100 per new vaccine victim, and even more for overall percentages of covered members by Anthem:
40 percent of Anthem members vaccinated equals $150 bonus per newly jabbed member
50 percent of Anthem members vaccinated equals $175 bonus per newly jabbed member
60 percent of Anthem members vaccinated equals $200 bonus per newly jabbed member
75 percent of Anthem members vaccinated equals $250 bonus per newly jabbed member
Many doctors made close to a million dollars EXTRA in CASH bonuses from stabbing their patients with experimental mRNA “technology.” This is no conspiracy theory either, as it’s all documented in the national open-source public website.
Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental gene therapy injections that lead directly to vascular clots, hypertension, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes, and Long-Vax-Syndrome.
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