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The multicultural integration of Europe and the United States was a policy that was exclusively created by the Trilateral Commission. Henry Kissinger worked hand-in-hand with fellow Trilateral Peter Sutherland. Now Kissinger says that was all a mistake? Right.
Kissinger recently told Politico: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that”.
Apparently, Politico doesn’t recollect this 12/1/2015 headline: Albright, Kissinger ask Congress to back off refugee legislation. (Madeleine Albright was also a foreign policy wonk and fellow Trilateral). They wrote a urgent to Congress to stop the influx of Syrian and Iraqi immigration into the United States:
“We believe that America can and should continue to provide refuge to those fleeing violence and persecution without compromising the security and safety of our nation. To do otherwise would be contrary to our nation’s traditions of openness and inclusivity, and would undermine our core objective of combating terrorism.”
I want you see the other signatories with Trilaterals highlighted bold type:
- Madeleine K. Albright, Former Secretary of State
- Samuel R. Berger, Former National Security Advisor
- Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, Former National Security Advisor
- General George W. Casey, Jr., U.S. Army (Ret.), Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
- Michael Chertoff, Former Secretary of Homeland Security
- William S. Cohen, Former Secretary of Defense
- Stephen J. Hadley, Former National Security Advisor
- Chuck Hagel, Former Secretary of Defense
- General Michael V. Hayden, U.S. Air Force (Ret.), Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
- General James L. Jones, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.), Former National Security Advisor, Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Former Commandant of the Marine Corps
- Henry A. Kissinger, Former Secretary of State, Former National Security Advisor
- General Richard B. Myers, U.S. Air Force (Ret.), Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Janet A. Napolitano, Former Secretary of Homeland Security
- Leon E. Panetta, Former Secretary of Defense, Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
- General David H. Petraeus, U.S. Army (Ret.), Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Former Commander, U.S. Central Command
- William J. Perry, Former Secretary of Defense
- Brent Scowcroft, Former National Security Advisor
- George P. Shultz, Former Secretary of State
- Admiral James G. Stavridis, U.S. Navy (Ret.), Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Former Commander, U.S. Southern Command
- General John W. Vessey, Jr., U.S. Army (Ret.), Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Eighty percent of these are members of the Trilateral Commission.
Even a blind person see where these policies came from – THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION – and how they are wreaking destruction on the Western world. Lest you’re thinking, “Well, others were involved, too”, don’t.
Would like to know who backed the Trilateral Commission back in the 1970s?
Trilateral Commission official document dated March 31 1980
Read it and weep.
Now get the rest of story… ⁃ TN Editor
Sustainable Development, Migration And The Multi-Cultural Destruction of The Nation State
Depending on where you live and how sensitive you are to the global mass immigration crisis, your reaction to it will be somewhere between head-scratching and shell-shocked incredulity. The purpose of this report is to give you some concrete evidence about where these policies originated and to what ends they were created.
A major player is Peter Sutherland, who in past years has served as the Director-General of the World Trade Organization, as Chairman of Goldman Sachs International, as EU Commissioner, as Chairman of BP and Chair of London School of Economics Council, among other things. Most importantly, however, he is the European Honorary Chairman of the elitist Trilateral Commission.
His relevance to this article is that in 2006 he was appointed by the United Nations’ to be the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration.
Needless to say, whatever comes out of Sutherland’s mouth is certifiably representative of official policy of the Trilateral Commission and the global elite at large. In fact, he is one of the most respected policy-makers in the world, and many consider him to be the “father of globalization”.
The migration crisis in Europe came to global attention in the fall of 2015. Headlines like these were seen in the European press:
- Mass immigration is on the verge of destroying Europe (Nov. 6, 2015)
- We’re doomed: EU chief fears union will collapse over migrant crisis (Sep.24, 2015)
- Merkel stands ground on refugees as 1.5 million seen coming (Oct. 5, 2015)
Sweden first opened its doors to Muslim immigrants in the 1970s. The trickle of migration was slow at first, but increased over the decades as turmoil in the Mideast produced more refugees. Today, Sweden’s culture is as much Islamic as it is Swedish. Muslims have steadfastly refused to assimilate into Swedish culture, and now the nation is paying a high social price for their naitivivity: It has become the rape and gang-rape capital of the West.
In spite of the European crisis, Sutherland wrote in late 2015,
“Human mobility benefits not only migrants and their families, but their countries of origin and destination as well… No other force—not trade, not capital flows has the potential to transform lives in the sustainable, positive ways and on the scale that migration does.”
Since his 2006 appointment to the UN, Sutherland has stumped this message across Europe with great fanfare. With the combined weight of the UN behind him, governments were persuaded to further open their borders to immigration. A growing multi-cultural society, he claimed, was the only pathway to Sustainable Development.
Sutherland is the leading apologist for Federalism in Europe; that is, dissolving national borders completely and simply merging all cultures into one big happy family. The obvious shortcomings of these policies have not deterred Sutherland – or the UN – from stating that more migration, not less, is the answer to the current crisis.
At the peak of the migration crisis in November 2015, and just after the horrific Paris terrorist attacks, the headline appeared, UN warns Europe against ‘backtracking’ on migrant commitments. Really? The article scolded European leaders:
“The United Nations on Tuesday urged states not to “backtrack” on pledges made to host migrants and refugees, including from Syria, in the wake of the attacks in Paris. Multiple UN agencies issued a warning to European leaders who might use the tragedy to advance anti-migrant policies..
A spokesman for the UN rights agency, Rupert Colville, described calls for a crackdown on migrants as “very, very stupid.”
“It’s really pretty disgusting how extreme anti-immigrant politicians and media commentators have jumped on this attack to push their existing agendas. That is really pretty obscene actually, given what happened in Paris,” Colville told reporters.
It is not surprising that migration is now included as an official part of the UN’s 2030 Agenda that created the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in November 2015. Sutherland addressed this in his report, Migration Is Development: How Migration Matters to the Post-2015 Debate:
“The post-2015 debate so far has underlined the need to strengthen global partnerships, and, in light of the evidence highlighted above, human mobility has been mentioned in the same context as trade, transfer of technology, and other developmental forces.” [emphasis added]
Goal 10.7 of the SDGs reflects this to “Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies.”
In Migration is Development, Sutherland wrote,
“…there is no greater symbol of the world’s growing interdependence than the movement of people. If we can make meaningful economic progress in the coming generations, one of the pivotal reasons will be that people are allowed to move more freely. Advanced countries, with their adverse demographic trends, need migrants, as do developing countries ― not only for migrants’ economic contributions, but also for the social and cultural diversity that they bring.” [emphasis added]
Sutherland’s use of the word “interdependence” will be remembered by early students of Trilateral Commission literature from 1973 onward. While the Commission may not have invented this word, they certainly popularized it in the context of globalization. However, there was never any demand or need for interdependence among nations, but Commission doctrine insisted that it was a given fact of life and that nations were going to necessarily meld together.
In summary, this is where modern migration policies have come from. Open borders and unlimited mobility of foreigners are in. Immigration restrictions of any sort are out.
By now, you should not be surprised to realize that the policies seen in Europe are identical to those seen in the United States, especially with respect to the border with Mexico. Even when Congress has legislated wall-building and approved funding, the Executive Branch of government has flatly refused to comply, and we are left with an open-sieve border that has allowed millions of undocumented persons to enter. Such has not been a partisan issue, because Republicans have been just as complicit as Democrats in shunning border controls.
Sutherland and his fellow Trilateral Commission cronies in Europe were primarily responsible for the creation and advancement of the European Union system of governance. The Commission has exerted a similar hegemony in the United States since the election of Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale in 1975, both of whom were Trilaterals.
Subsequent Trilaterals include George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Dick Cheney. Obama is not a member but he is surrounded by Trilaterals. Economic and trade policies have been dominated by Trilateral members: nine out of twelve U.S. Trade Representatives since Carter have been members of the Commission. Six out of eight World Bank Presidents have been members.
Finding the same migration policies in two different parts of the world strongly suggests a single source, namely, the Trilateral Commission.