If RFK wants to win he will have to defeat a cabal that likely murdered his father and uncle.
Film and TV producer Vem Miller joins Stew Peters to talk about what would happen if Trump and RFK Jr. face off in a general election.
It is clear that both RFK and President Trump are enemies of the Deep State.
However, Trump pushing the bioweapon jab and Kennedy supporting abortion raise serious questions.
President Trump continues to surround himself with Deep State players just like he did when he was in the White House.
Regardless, none of this will matter unless our elections are reliable and currently they are rigged.
Tina Peters is being persecuted for doing her job as Clerk of Mesa County, Colorado and exposing blatant election fraud via software.
Currently, the United States of America has been hijacked by BAR associations.
BAR associations control the legislative and judicial branches of the government.
Until we get back checks and balances in our government we won’t get our country back.