U.S. Signed UN Treaty Forbidding Use of Weather Weapons Against Populations

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This article comes from “infowars.com”

Is the U.S. government violating international law?

Widespread evidence emerging that the federal government may have deployed weather modification techniques to steer Hurricanes Helene and Milton ahead of the U.S. election.

The U.S. government signed a United Nations treaty in 1977 barring the use of weather modification, specifically weather weapon technology, after deploying these systems during the Vietnam War.

The UN treaty, called the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD), was signed by the United States and 93 other nations in the wake of the U.S. military’s use of weather modification with Operation Popeye, which gave the military the tools to inundate Vietnam with constant torrential rainfall during the height of the Vietnam War.

The primary goal of the multilateral agreement is to prevent any manipulation of the natural environment for hostile purposes, including techniques that could have widespread, long-lasting, or severe effects on the environment.

Relying on consultation and international cooperation, the treaty covers the deliberate manipulation of natural processes like climate, weather, ocean currents, or the balance of nature, which includes inducing earthquakes, tsunamis, or altering weather patterns for military or political advantage.

  • Article I: States will undertake not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques that could cause such effects.
  • Article II: Defines environmental modification techniques as changing the dynamics, composition, or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere, or outer space.

Operation Popeye was a highly classified military program launched in 1967 aimed at extending the monsoon season over specific areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam in order to make the trails impassable for the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong, thereby disrupting their supply routes and military movements.

The joint operation by the Air Force, U.S. Navy, U.S. Army and the CIA involved dispersing silver iodide and lead iodide into the atmosphere by aircraft to induce additional rainfall, a technique known as cloud-seeding.

In its attempt to hinder the enemy, the initiative ended up exacerbating trench foot, a type of foot damage due to moisture, for US military personnel subjected to the same rain as the enemy, and was believed by officials to have limited effectiveness in advancing the United States’ objectives.

The Nixon administration declassified the program in 1971 and it ended a year later after raising major ethical concerns over the military’s use of weather warfare.

The U.S. State Department website explains the chain of events leading up to the U.S. signing onto ENMOD:

Both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives held hearings, beginning in 1972, and the Senate adopted a resolution in 1973 calling for an international agreement “prohibiting the use of any environmental or geophysical modification activity as a weapon of war….” In response to this resolution, the President ordered the Department of Defense to undertake an in-depth review of the military aspects of weather and other environmental modification techniques. The results of this study and a subsequent interagency study led to the U.S. Governments decision to seek agreement with the Soviet Union to explore the possibilities of an international agreement.

During the summit meeting in Moscow in July 1974, President Nixon and General Secretary Brezhnev formally agreed to hold bilateral discussions on how to bring about “the most effective measures possible to overcome the dangers of the use of environmental modification techniques for military purposes.” Three sets of discussions were held in 1974 and 1975, resulting in agreement on a common approach and common language.

In August 1975, the chief representatives of the U.S. and the Soviet delegations to the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament (CCD) tabled, in parallel, identical draft texts of a “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques.”

Geoengineering expert Dane Wigington recently revealed he briefed numerous lawmakers about patented Defense Department-linked technology used to control major weather events like hurricanes, and the lawmakers came to the conclusion that Hurricane Helene was a weather weapon deployed against the American people.

“I have an hour conference call yesterday with the representatives and senators from the Carolinas, and we presented the data to them to answer their questions about how this manipulation occurs,” Wigington said.

“They realized this was not a natural event. They’re trying to digest the fact that their states were literally under assault from weather modification operations that are clearly connected to the DoD operations.”

“They’re in shock,” he continued. “Because when you realize you’re literally at war with those who control the federal government, how does one digest that?”

“And we can speculate again about the agendas and objectives being carried out but the fact that the storm was manipulated is absolutely inarguable,” he added.

Indeed, widespread evidence is emerging that the federal government may have deployed weather modification techniques to steer Hurricanes Helene and Milton to affect the outcome of the U.S. election.

Interestingly, Joe Biden on Wednesday denied the federal government was engaging in weather modification after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) highlighted that the NOAA government website has a library catalog of 1,026 entries of weather modifications — which the organization has been deleting as it faces scrutiny online.

“Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is now saying the federal government is literally controlling the weather — we’re controlling the weather. It’s beyond ridiculous,” Biden said.

The U.S. could be in violation of international law if it’s indeed deploying these weather modification systems on these hurricanes, especially with the purpose of affecting the outcome of the U.S. election, which Alex Jones and Infowars have reported on in recent days.

Read the ENMOD treaty in full:

Ch_XXVI_01p by Jamie White

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