Ugh… Masks in Grocery Stores AGAIN?!

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From “The Healthy American”

Can you believe we’re going through this again? Yes, it’s 2024, and right in the middle of the year, I’m still hearing from Healthy Americans who are confronted with people suffocating their faces. And it’s not just anyone—it’s those in what we call the face-to-face industry, such as customer service.

I received an email from a longtime supporter who is exasperated by her experiences in Orange County, California. She shared her frustration with grocery store employees wearing masks and described an incident where a masked manager refused to let her speak with an unmasked manager.

Sharon’s approach, trying to avoid masked checkout stands or requesting an unmasked employee, seems reasonable. With this in mind, I wanted to re-share my 75 ways to say NO to the mask!

While there is no law (nor there ever can be) that requires you to self-suffocate, many who are working in shops, restaurants, doctors office and other places of “public accommodation” don’t care about your rights.

But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t attempt to educate them.

For those facing pressure to wear masks in the workplace, a medical facility, or school, I have a list of responses below. It includes various ways to handle such situations, some sincere and some more snarky 😉

75 Ways to Say No to the Mask

SCENARIO #1: “Excuse me, you have to wear a mask in here.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t hear a word you’re saying. Please remove that thing from your face so I can hear what you’re saying.”

“Oh, I wish I could – but my doctor told me not to, because it might cause me to die. Do you want me to hold you responsible for my death?”

“Oh, I wish I could, but I’m in the non-mask control group for this clinical trial, and if I wear a mask, I’ll mess up the results. Do you want me to mess up the results for this important study?”

“Religious exemption – protected by law!”

“I am medically exempt from this policy.”

“I’m unable to do so, because wearing one will cause me to pass out. Do you have insurance for that? If so, would you show me the insurance binder to prove that?”

“The health dept has issued me an exemption. Are you going to go against the health dept?”

“I have a legal medical exemption. Do you want me to violate the law?”

“I only take medical advice from my doctor. Are you a licensed doctor too?”

“It is against my religion to cover the only two airways that God provided for breathing.”

“My right to breathe comes first. Does your request override the constitution?”

“It is against my religion to commit suicide by cutting off my airflow.”

“Can you show me your medical license that authorizes you to dispense medical advice?”

“Can you show me the law that requires that?”

“I’m not sick. Do you have proof that I am?”

“No court has ordered me to wear a mask, so I don’t have to do so. Do you have a court order that requires me to do so?”

“I just got tested and I’m negative, so the doctor told me I don’t have to wear one.”

“I don’t support mass genocide and global depopulation.”

SCENARIO #2: “The governor mandated masks.” “It’s an emergency.” “The governor has emergency powers.”  “The health department ordered it.” “The county/city requires it.”

“No governor can make a law.”

“No mayor can make a law.”

“No heath officer can make a law.”

“No store manager can make a law.”

“There is no emergency.”

“No emergency suspends the law.”

“What is the penal code for this mask requirement? What exactly would be the violation?”

“Oh, did the legislature give law-making authority to the governor?”

“The health department can’t make laws. These are guidelines only.”

“Guidelines are like suggestions. They are not enforceable by law.”

“The health department has exemptions, and I’m legally exempt.”

“Show me the law that requires me to follow any governor’s orders.”

SCENARIO #3: “Our store policy requires it.”

“Would you show me that policy in writing, please?”

“So your store doesn’t have to follow the law?”

“Oh good, so that means I can shoplift in here because you don’t abide by the law?”

“Your store policy only applies to your employees, not to me.”

“So if I’m in a wheelchair, you can refuse me service because it’s your store policy?”

“Your store policies are illegal if they are in violation of the law.”

SCENARIO #4: “Our mask policy applies to everyone, so we’re not discriminating.”

“Yes, you are, because I can’t wear one. That is the very definition of discrimination.”

“So you can require everyone to eat pork, including muslims?”

“So you can require everyone to walk inside the store, including someone in a wheelchair and therefore it is not discrimination?”

“So you can require everyone to take their hat off, including a Sikh wearing a turban, even though he has the lawful right to wear clothing as part of his religious expression?”

“Are you aware of the legal exemptions to the mask guidelines, that you are required to follow?”

“Are you aware that your refusal of entry constitutes false imprisonment, and you can be charged and arrested for this crime?”

“Are you aware that you can be personally liable for preventing me from shopping here, as it is a violation of my personal liberty and civil rights?”

SCENARIO #5: “We put the health and safety of our employees and customers first.”

“That’s good because I don’t want to get sick from people wearing germ-filled masks.”

“What evidence do you have that am I a threat to the health and safety to others?”

“The only way I can be deemed a “direct threat” is if there is a court-order of quarantine or isolation or restraint against me. Do you have a court order of quarantine against me?”

SCENARIO #6: “We offer curbside pickup.” “We can shop for you.” “You can shop online.” “We offer Instacart.”

“Why are you offering me the special accommodation? I’m not the one who is sick.”

“Are you aware that you are required by law to allow me equal access to the goods, services and facilities in the most integrated setting possible? Why should I be the one that stays outside? Nothing is wrong with me. Do you have a court-ordered quarantine order against me?”

“Why don’t you make the ones wearing the dangerous germ-filled masks stay outside, since they are the ones living in fear? They are the ones that need the accommodation, not me.

SCENARIO #7: “This is a private business and we can ask you to leave.”

“Yes, this is a private business that is engaged in commerce and is open to the public. Don’t you know the legal definition of a public accommodation?”

“As a member of the public, I have a legal right to be here and be served just like anyone else. Don’t you know your refusal of service constitutes illegal conduct that you can be liable for?”

“Where is the evidence that I am disturbing the peace?”

“Where is the evidence that I am a direct threat to others?”

“What evidence do you have that I am trespassing?”

“Am I breaking and entering? Am I interfering with your business? Where is the evidence of my trespass or threat or danger?”

“Are you harassing me? Are you threatening me? Do I need to call the Sheriff for protection?

*NOTE: Call the Sheriff (not the police) if you are being threatened or harassed. This is the legal definition of assault, even if there is no physical harm to you.

*NOTE: Remain calm. Do not give them any reason to say you were disturbing the peace.

*NOTE: Start recording a video when your rights are violated.

*NOTE: Shop with another person so you have evidence of the interaction.

*NOTE: Don’t touch anyone or get aggressive.

SCENARIO #8: “Your freedom ends when it intrudes on mine.”

“What freedom am I intruding on exactly?”

“Who am I oppressing?”

“What evidence is there that I am a threat?”

“What law states that I am responsible for your health?”

SCENARIO #9: “People are dying!” “I have family members who died of Covid.” “It’s people like you who are the problem because you are not wearing masks.” “The numbers are rising!”

“Doesn’t your mask work?”

“How exactly am I responsible for the deaths of your loved ones?”

“How are the numbers rising when there is no reliable test for this virus, which has never been isolated, so how can it be tested?”

“Where is the law that states I am personally responsible for your health?”

SCENARIO #10: What to say and do if law enforcement is called on you for trespassing.

·      Remain calm. Don’t get aggressive.

·      Start recording when law enforcement arrives.

·      Ask for the I.D. of the officer. Ask them to remove the mask so you can identify them.

·      Leave the premises so you won’t get arrested for trespassing.

“Did you take an oath of office to uphold the constitution?”

“Excuse me, officer, aren’t you required by law to identify yourself to me?”

“Would you remove your mask so I can see your face?”

“I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time hearing what you’re saying with that concealment device on your face. Can you remove it so I can understand what the charges are?”

“I’m feeling quite threatened since you appear to be armed with a weapon and you are concealing your identity at the same time. Am I mistaken, or is that a crime in this jurisdiction?”

“Can you tell me the penal code for the law I’m suspected of violating? Can you read that law to me so I understand it clearly?”

“Can you tell me what the evidence of trespass is? Where are the witnesses to this crime? Have you identified them and interviewed them for this charge?”

Officer: “It’s the governor’s orders.” “It’s an emergency.” “The city passed an ordinance.”

“The governor / mayor / health officer/ store manager can’t make laws.”

“Courts have ruled that no emergency suspends our personal liberty, including my right to peacefully assemble in a public place, such as this private business.”

“Unless there is a court-order of quarantine against me, I have the legal right to be in public, including this private business, which is legally defined as a public accommodation and therefore must serve me, as a member of the public, without discrimination or harassment.”

“Are you aware of U.S. Code Title 18, Section 242, which makes it a crime for you to willfully deprive any person of any right or privilege protected by the law of this state and the laws of the United States? And this crime is a felony and you may be sentenced to a prison term?”

“Are you aware that U.S. Code title 18, Section 241 makes it a crime for you and another, while concealing your identity, to conspire against my free exercise or enjoyment of my rights, and this is a felony, punishable by a fine and a prison sentence? Are you willing to risk that?”

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