America is currently being invaded unlike any country in human history.
Ben Bergquam, the host of Law and Border, joins Stew Peters to talk about the non-governmental organizations who are convincing migrants to enter the U.S. illegally.
America is collapsing because of treasonous enemies from within.
The thousand of illegals who are flooding the U.S. border are there by invitation.
They have been encouraged to come by organizations funded by U.S. tax dollars.
Deceptive Catholic and Lutheran charities are profiting off of this illegal immigration operation.
Women and girls are given rape kits consisting of condoms and Plan B abortion pills because it is assumed they will be raped while on their journey to America.
Governor Greg Abbot is abdicating his responsibility to secure his state and keep Texas citizens safe.
Invading migrants are from all over the world and some are from Venezuela and trying to escape communism.
Some migrants are from China, loyal to the CCP, and using this as an excuse to infiltrate and spy on America.
Others are from the Middle East and are terrorists.
Very soon there will be 50K people per day streaming across the border.
This is a cancer and will have a real world blood cost on the American people as the nation is overrun with impoverished criminals.