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Career criminal Tony Fauci is blabbing his annoying mouth again, this time in promotion of communism.
According to the government troll, who has been on the taxpayer dole for the past nearly 40 years, all Americans must “give up” their constitutional rights by getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) and wearing a mask – because doing this, he says, is necessary for the “greater good.”
“But you are a member of society,” Fauci whined during a mainstream media appearance. “And as a member of society, reaping all the benefits of being a member of society, you have a responsibility to society.”
Fauci went on to say that he personally feels as though the Constitution should be scrapped because of “a pandemic that’s killing millions of people.” This, he says, is reason enough to suspend all individual rights and force everyone into slavery under his rule.
“You have got to look at it and say, there comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision for the great good of society,” Fauci added.
Fauci is a threat to freedom
Much like Chairman Mao, Fauci believes that he should be able to decide who gets to do what and when, based on their mask and vaccination status. Only those Americans who obey his commands should be allowed to live.
Even after openly admitting that Chinese Virus injections are causing more disease to spread, Fauci still feels like everyone should be forced to get them in order to stay “safe” against possible infection with Chinese Germs.
Back in August, Fauci appeared, as he often does, on some mainstream media program in which he threatened that “things are going to get worse” if Americans do not fully comply with his demands.
The “pain and suffering” will intensify, Fauci promised, if unvaccinated people continue to rely on their God-given natural immunity as opposed to the fake “immunity” being dispensed by him and his ilk.
“If you look at the acceleration of the number of cases, the seven-day average has gone up substantially,” Fauci stated, rattling off made-up numbers he came up with on the fly.
“You know, what we really need to do, John, and we say it over and over again, it’s the truth, we have a hundred million people in this country who are eligible to be vaccinated who are not getting vaccinated.”
No, Fauci, what we really need to do is get rid of you and stop your reign of terror over the American people. You have no right to tell other people what to do with their own bodies, no matter how much you feel as though you do have that right.
What Fauci is effectively telling Americans is that their rights must decrease while his rights must increase. Fauci thinks he has the right to force you to wear a mask and get injected against your will, meaning he is unwilling to sacrifice his own self-perceived “right” to tell other people what to do.
The guy is a nutcase, but a dangerous one with clear psychopathic tendencies. Fauci is a threat to a free and open society, and nobody need pay him any mind – though many Branch Covidians have decided to make him their patron saint.
In the religion of Covidism, Fauci is a type of priest or pope that tells his followers what to do. The problem is that this religion has become mandatory, meaning if you refuse to convert, its members are threatening to punish you with violence and the total deprivation of your rights.
The latest news about psychopath Fauci and his murderous ilk can be found at
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