United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby is covering up and refusing to acknowledge the dangerous plight of vaxxed pilots.
Josh Yoder joins Stew Peters to detail what happened on March 11th with United Flight 2007.
The flight was traveling from Guatemala to Chicago and somewhere over the Gulf of Mexico the captain of the flight became incapacitated.
The flight was diverted to Houston with reports the captain was having chest pains.
United Airlines CEO Scott Kirbty has been very vocal and proud of his company’s 99% employee vaccination rate.
Myocarditis is wreaking havoc in the aviation industry.
Flights are being delayed due to lack of crews and this will continue into the foreseeable future.
The FAA continues to completely ignore the danger of vaxxed pilots even though U.S. Freedom Flyers has provided conclusive data revealing bioweapon injected pilots are at risk.
The American people must demand the FAA begin subclinical myocarditis screenings on all pilots.
The CEO of United Airlines is more concerned with his woke agenda and dresses like a woman.
Contact United Airlines at 1-800-864-8331
Contact Southwest Airlines at 1 (800) 435-9792
Contact Allegiant Air at (702) 505-8888
Contact the FAA at 866-835-5322 or https://www.faa.gov/contact