Video: WH deputy press secretary says Americans must follow CDC orders ‘because the experts say so’

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With the CDC announcing a mask mandate reversal and the endless doom mongering over the dreaded Delta variant, Americans have a lot of questions, yet the answer to all of them seems to simply be ‘do as you’re told because we say so’.

(Article by Steve Watson republished from

This was in evidence again on Friday when after the announcement that even vaccinated people can still get and transmit the Delta variant, Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson asked the White House Principal Deputy Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre what exactly the CDC is doing to test for this.

Jean-Pierre had no idea and didn’t even bother to suggest she would try to find out.

She claimed she didn’t even know why anyone would ask how the CDC tests for the Delta variant or why they would bother to explain the process.

Robinson pointed out that the only answers Americans are being given is “because they say so,” to which the Deputy Press Secretary answered “because they are the experts.”

As we noted last week, Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s answer to the question “If vaccines work, then why do people who have the vaccine now need to wear masks?” was essentially ‘because we say so’.

After admitting that he is seeking to determine whether he can mandate vaccines for all Americans, Joe Biden lost it with reporter Peter Doocy, who again dared to ask for an explanation on the flip-flop on masks.

Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, are literally repeating the stock phrase ‘it’s science‘ over and over without explaining any of the method behind it, because they literally have no idea what it is.

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