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Preparations are underway for crimes against humanity trials at the International Criminal Court in the Hague, according to an ICC insider who reveals that key figures from the globalist establishment are set to be sacrificed on the altar of public outrage for their crimes in the elite’s failed Covid plandemic.
The globalist elite have made the last three years hell for the majority but we have held strong, maintained our dignity, and exposed their lies, one by one. Now our abusers have been backed into a corner they are being forced to admit to the lies they’ve spun. And they want us to forgive and forget.
But that’s not going to happen. It really isn’t. The people are waking up. And since they are waking up and realizing the nightmare of the last three years was created intentionally by the globalist elite, the people are rising up and demanding justice.
This has led to an understanding on the part of the elite that they need to throw a few of their own under the bus in order to placate the masses. And while it will be gratifying to see key players from the Covid plandemic face justice on charges of crimes against humanity, it is worth keeping in mind that we have been here before when the Nazi leadership of the Third Reich were put on trial at Nuremberg.
In all, 199 defendants were tried, 161 were convicted, and 37 were sentenced to death for crimes against humanity and war crimes. But the death of these key players of the Third Reich did not mean the end of Nazism. It was simply a ruse for the elite to retain control. Ultimately the Nazis just rebranded and tried again under a new disguise.
Nazi scientists and doctors were exported to the United States and Europe was overrun by globalist organizations featuring children and grandchildren of the Nazi leadership. Schwab, Soros and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen are just a few examples of globalist leaders with direct ties to the Nazi leadership that was supposedly eradicated at Nuremberg. And these globalist leaders are continuing their work in a new disguise.
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Given the failures of Nuremberg, we have to learn from history and make sure this time the real criminals are held accountable for crimes against humanity. The evidence to convict is already out there. We have been methodically building our case against our abusers, building files of their slip-ups and admissions, ever since they became arrogant enough to think they could deprive us our our freedoms and subjugate the entire human race.
There is plenty of evidence to prove that major players knew exactly what they were doing all along. That includes Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, and Big Pharma CEOs including Stephane Bancel of Moderna and Albert Bourla of Pfizer. There will be no “I was just following orders” defense for these characters at Nuremberg 2.0.
There is also plenty of evidence that politicians in every World Economic Forum-infiltrated country knew exactly what was going on too. And the evidence continues to emerge. This week in the UK, journalist Isabel Oakeshott passed more than 100,000 leaked Whatsapp messages to the Telegraph, revealing that senior government ministers discussed when to “deploy” the next variant to “frighten the pants off” the public.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s private messages reveal the British government “deployed the new variant” to intimidate people into getting the vaccine. Tell me how this is any different to the behavior of terrorists?
Here is Matt Hancock appearing on live TV days after these messages were sent, lying to the nation is the most brazen, psychopathic way imaginable.
Matt Hancock also said that Bill Gates “owes me one” considering “how many people I’m getting his chips injected into”.

Of course the mainstream media are in full damage control mode with this one, attempting to explain that Hancock was “joking.”
Our torturers and tormentors want us to forget all this and more. But millions are unwilling – not to mention unable – to do that. But that’s not going to happen. We know their game. And we are better prepared than ever before to hold them to account for their crimes.
Make no mistake, the people are waking up. The Biden government paid influencers to shill for the vaccine during the Covid years as part of the elite’s brainwashing campaign, but those lies didn’t stand the test of time. Russell Brand appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast this week and they combined to red pill millions of people about the evils of Bill Gates, including truth bombs about his work in Africa.
Damning stuff that we at the People’s Voice have been reporting on for years. But Rogan and Brand weren’t finished with Gates yet. And remember, millions upon millions of people are watching this content. Gates’ evil works are slowly but surely being exposed to the whole world.
Gates is just one player in the game. Don’t forget about the CEOs of the Big Pharma cartel companies.
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel was caught admitting to his friends at the World Economic Forum that his company produced 100,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine doses in 2019 – before the pandemic started.
In the revealing footage from the World Economic Forum, Bancel also let slip that he had foreknowledge of a little something called the Covid pandemic. Make no mistake, this is proof, from the horse’s mouth, that Moderna and the Big Pharma cartel were complicit in planning the pandemic so they could push the global elite’s depopulation drug on the masses.
And you might remember that Dr Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech, the biotechnology company that worked with Pfizer to develop their Covid vaccine, admitted on camera that he did not get jabbed with a Covid vaccine.
All is not well in the world of Big Pharma. A top scientist responsible for developing the world’s first registered combination vector vaccine against Covid-19 in 2020 was found strangled to death in his apartment this week. As the people continue to wake up and demand the truth, did the elite deem him a liability?
The people who suffered most, whose lives were irreparably damaged by the plandemic, will never ever forget. And they’re even less likely to forgive.
Of course it was the most vulnerable in society who suffered the most. Our elderly and our children.
As though Common Core, created by Obama and Bill Gates, wasn’t bad enough for our children, Covid restrictions enforced by our abusers have pushed student test scores into historic declines, particularly in the key subjects, and more so for students who were disadvantaged at the start.
And we are never going to forget how much suffering the elite – and those that did their bidding – imposed upon our elderly in care homes and hospitals. Neglected, imprisoned, deprived from seeing loved ones, thinking they’d been abandoned, many not getting the treatment they needed, unnecessarily and dangerously jabbed with a toxic experimental injection, many euthanized with morphine and Midazolam (as used to execute Death Row criminals in some US states) all under the guise of prevention of an illness that’s never been proven to exist.
Thousands were callously killed on end of life ‘care’ programs and their deaths were written off as ‘Covid’ deaths by hospitals determined to maximize profits.
And the deaths continue to this day. Excess deaths across all strata of vaccinated society including the young, healthy and fit, as elite athletes in the prime of their lives continue dropping like flies from heart attacks and strokes, in numbers unlike anything we have seen before at any point in history. This is a genocide, a crime against humanity, and the elite must be held to account.