Vivek Ramaswamy comes out in favor of Israel’s campaign of ethnic cleansing, genocidal bombings of civilians

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In an apparent appeal to the right-wing Zionist evangelical voting bloc, 2024 presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy, who is running as a Republican, tweeted that he wants Israel to kill as many of its enemies as necessary in order to “return to its founding premise.”

According to Ramaswamy, the Israeli government has been given “a Divine gift” and “charged with a Divine purpose.” That purpose includes the “absolute and unequivocal right and responsibility to defend itself to the fullest, applying the only language its adversaries understand: the language of force.”

With the October 7 Hamas false flag now tucked into its belt, Israel’s next “Divine purpose” is to destroy Hamas, Hezbollah and whatever other bogeymen are conjured up as sock puppets to justify the indiscriminate bombing of innocent men, women and children who are in Israel’s way.

“And what would David Ben-Gurion say? Don’t depend on anyone else’s fleeting sympathies or permission to do it,” Ramaswamy tweeted in an attempt to earn more Zionist points, which he believes will increase his chances of winning the 2024 election.

“If Israel wants to destroy Hamas, Israel should go ahead and destroy Hamas,” Ramaswamy added. “If Israel wants to destroy Hezbollah, Israel should go ahead and destroy Hezbollah.”

“If Israel and Mossad wants [sic] to pull off Munich 2.0 and take out every last leader of Hamas wherever they may be hiding, from Doha to Dresden, and host a red wedding at the Four Seasons in Qatar the next time Haniyeh and Mashaal show up, they should go ahead and do it.”

(Related: Did you know that Ron DeSantis criminalized free speech in Florida? If you support Gaza civilians, you could be punished as a “criminal” in DeSantis’ Florida.)

Israel would still be Palestine if it weren’t for the extortion of nations that funnel billions to Zionists

The god of Israel is apparently so weak, though, that in order for Israel to receive its “Divine gift,” it needs a steady stream of fiat dollars and weapons from American taxpayers, who are being exploited by their Israel-first politicians into supporting the Zionist agenda of “Greater Israel,” which was sold to them as “biblical prophecy.”

Israel would not have any of the tools necessary to slaughter millions of Palestinians were it not for all this extortion and the bought-off, blackmailed politicians who make it happen by sending Americans’ hard-earned dollars over to the Middle East while America itself crumbles into dust.

Time will tell if Israel’s “Divine gift” actually comes to fruition, or if the Ponzi scheme known as modern finance, which keeps the racket going, finally bites the dust, freeing the world from the clutches of this forced slavery to the “chosen.”

“The big banks have always supplied both sides of all wars in the last hundred years,” one of our own readers noted about how the Rothschild’s have been pulling the wool over the world’s eyes for more than a generation.

“This is just a blatant move to bring in the one-world government,” wrote another. “The U.S. defenses have been undermined, especially with all the action at the southern border with many thousands of military-aged males coming across.”

“Once chaos hits the U.S. streets, all the dissidents to ‘the program’ will be rounded up, lined up, and either shot or put in the guillotines.”

Another stressed the importance of pulling back the curtains on the families (i.e., the Rothschilds), not the countries, that seem to be pulling all the strings of world war after world war – and all perfectly timed to coincide with financial collapse in order to provide cover for the financial terrorism of the money-changers.

The latest news about the Israeli genocide against Palestine can be found at

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