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The more we learn about the “Facebook whistleblower,” Frances Haugen, the more the entire situation looks like a massive circle jerk and psychological operation (PSYOP) aimed at throwing us all off the real dangers of the deep state and the big tech behemoth that it serves.
“This Facebook whistleblower nonsense is likely an intel op or set-up. Facebook’s ‘Whistleblower’ Frances Haugen’s lawyer is Andrew P. Bakaj. Andrew P. Bakaj is a Washington, DC attorney and former intelligence officer with the Central Intelligence Agency,” begins a Twitter thread from an account called CulturalHusbandry that is followed by a number of blue-checks.
“He was the principal attorney representing the whistleblower who filed the initial complaint that led to the launch of multiple investigations by the US Congress into the Trump-Ukraine scandal, the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and, ultimately, the first Impeachment of Trump,” the thread continued.
“Bajak also has a work history for Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer. Bakaj, now a managing partner at the Compass Rose Legal Group, interned for Schumer in the spring of 2001 and for Clinton in the fall of the same year, according to Bakaj’s LinkedIn page,” the user wrote, adding that Bajak was summarily rewarded by the deep state.
“The Department of Defense recognized Andrews [sic] work by awarding him Investigator of the Year, Investigations of the Year, and the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General Career Achievement Award. His work at DoD and CIA is all political and inward facing,” the thread noted.
“And as the Trump-Ukraine Non-Scandal proved, his work is HIGHLY political and at the behest of powerful internal factions that realign as needed to maintain centralized authority, or expand authority when opportunity arises,” said CulturalHusbandry. “This is what is happening with the Facebook nonsense.”
The poster went on to predict that what’s coming next is more, not less, censorship.
“You’re watching an intel op play out that will likely result in MORE censorship on platforms, not just facebook, but most if not all major social media. And this is almost guaranteed to be targeted towards conservative ideas, groups, and individuals,” the threat noted. “At some point big tech didn’t play ball with the US Gov. and the US Gov. said no problem, we’ll create the situation that allows for the result we want. If this turns out to be the play we are seeing, the censorship after effects are guaranteed.”
As for Haugen, we already know she’s a Democrat operative, as The Post Millennial reported earlier this week after she ‘blew the whistle’ on “60 Minutes.”
“Reports indicate that Haugen is working with Bill Burton and his consulting firm, Bryson Gillette. Burton worked under the Obama administration as deputy press secretary. The former Facebook employee’s communications team is allegedly seeking guidance from Burton,” the outlet reported, adding:
Over the course of ten months, the former Facebook employee leaked internal documents to Wall Street Journal which has since been dubbed by the outlet as “The Facebook Files.”
On Haugen and Burton working together, former director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee Kevin Laughlin said the move seems “well-orchestrated.”
“It does have the appearance of being an incredibly well-orchestrated communications campaign,” said Laughlin.
In the past, Burton has been highly critical of Facebook and has even compared the social media giant to tobacco companies. He said that tobacco companies knowingly sell dangerous, deadly products that make them increasingly addictive so consumers will continue to buy them — just like Facebook.
Interestingly, Haugen criticized Facebook during her 60 Minutes interview for a lack of censorship, though the social media behemoth, like the others, have regularly barred conservatives and conservative content for the flimsiest of reasons, all while allowing leftists to spew hate and misinformation including ‘mainstream media’ outlets that continually published lies about former President Donald Trump.
So again, this all sounds like a deep state intel op, like the Twitter thread suggests, which — when you think about it — actually makes perfect sense.
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