We Are On The Verge Of An NWO Currency

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From “The Browne Report” via banned.video

Recently, The Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) have become the new talking point because they lead to The creation of a global currency system.

As the architects of multiple global crisis events pour on the tyranny. “The IMF is enjoying an elevated position as the “problem solver” most nations turn to for help.” Racketeering on a global scale.

Zero Hedge recently put the puzzle pieces together concerning the Democrat’s proposed 650 Billion Dollar flooding of the IMF with SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) funds. The Ukranian War is not merely a money laundering operation, it is a linchpin to transfer the global economy out of the money printing of Central Banks and directly into the hands of the globalists controlling the IMF. ” Each new crisis brings global banks closer to their goal; the introduction of national digital currencies and the SDR basket becoming the defacto reserve trading tool for the world.””Why do Democrats specifically want aid denominated in SDRs? Because funding allocations in the US have already hit their maximum and new funding bills are being defeated in the Senate. At the IMF, there are no checks and balances. They can ask for almost any amount of money in the form of SDRs without oversight. There are always strings attached when it comes to the IMF, and in exchange for SDRs, the globalists will certainly want more centralized control.”

We are being looted in real time of our economies, currency, sovereignty and our very lives.

Jackery New Arrivals
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