The secret word for the day is “NEXRAD towers”.
(Write that down)
Ok, let’s begin.
First, let’s look at flight NOAA42, that was flying near the hurricane. And flying for hours, making loops in the sky.
“I’m not saying the Government
created Hurricane Helene” BUT:Explain Activity of ‘NOAA42 P3’
Before Claiming the Gov’t didn’t
BOOST & REDIRECT the Storm !— Enduring Light (@enduring_light) October 6, 2024
It seems to be a 3 Step Plan for manipulating weather…
Step #1:
Cloud seeding. Planes disperse nanoparticles in the sky that can respond to frequencies.
Is that what NOAA42 was doing?
Step #2:
Send high frequencies into the ionosphere (the lowest level, the D region). This is where HAARP comes in.

You may have heard of HAARP.
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
Here’s a clip of it turned on, sending energy into the lower ionosphere:
Has any1 seen Haarp in action?
I will post this one when they turn it on.
Haarp sends electrical pulse to the clouds.
Then i will post another video of what it does to clouds— Joe Busa (@JoeBusa333) November 28, 2018
Step #3:
Direct the storm using radar towers.
A recent commenter on The Gateway Pundit put it clearly.
‘HAARP creates the storms, NEXRAD directs them’

Have you heard of NEXRAD?
It stands for Next Generation Weather Radar.
To put it simply, NEXRAD is a radar tower.
NEXRAD towers are operated by the National Weather Service.
They are an agency of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, more commonly known as NOAA (pronounced as ‘Noah’)
(Did you notice in that clip above that showed the plane flying around the storm was labelled NOAA42? It was one of theirs)
Lot’s of abbreviations, I know.
Here’s a photo of a NEXRAD tower:

And there’s NOAA blue circle logo on that sign.
So, what do the towers do?
Do not watch this
Do not press play
Whatever you do, don't press that
HAARP is not controlling the weather
Geoengineering is a lie
Weather modification is impossible
Do not learn about ionospheric heatersStop no don't
— Redpill Drifter (@RedpillDrifter) October 7, 2024
These next two gifs are straight from NEXRAD’s wikipedia page:
Non-Polarimetric Radar:

Polarimetric Radar:

Have you noticed these types of clouds with ripples in your sky lately?
HAARP technology is a high frequency transmitter system used for weather control
— Gök Medresesi (@GokMedresesiiii) October 7, 2023

They say there’s 160 in the USA.
Here’s a map of them:

Let’s take a look at this next clip.
Notice closely the water.
What is happening to it that is causing such an unusual activity, creating waves out of nowhere?
(Might not be from NC, but it’s a good example that something is happening to the water)
Proof of Haarp at work during the Helena flood
— NAH! (@CARMODITYBROKER) October 5, 2024
Notice here in the following clip the path of the clouds.
You will see the NEXRAD towers turned on but not in the cloud’s path.
Meaning the ones in the path are turned off, put the ones around it are turned on the ensure that it doesn’t float off to the left or right.
I’m very familiar with that. It’s not just the HAARP. Plus, there are several around the world, and even underwater. But, you also have the NEXRAD & GWEN systems.
— BlueChecksMatter (@CheckThatBlue) October 3, 2024
And here’s a rare and buried episode from ‘The History Channel” from 2009.
Entitled: ‘Weather Warfare”
"Weather Warfare" (History Channel, 2009) explained in detail how HAARP could modify weather & cause earthquakes. Imagine what they can do now!
They tried to scrub this from the internet, but I found
— Sam Parker-ucas Gage
(@SamParkerSenate) October 5, 2024
Patriots on X are noticing and it’s spreading.
Community notes:
1) Weather modification is a conspiracy theory
2) Weather modification may be possible, but it’s not used
3) Weather modification is happening, but only a little
4) Well shit, you caught us…weather weapons are real and widespread.We are at step 3.
— Overwatch (@mos6493) October 7, 2024
This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.