Who Is The King That Rules Over You?

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During 2020 and 2021 I have been realizing that so many people in America actually believe that there is a ruling body that has legitimate authority to rule over them. These people, that are the majority of the American population, have been indoctrinated since birth to believe that they are not in control of their lives or their own consciousness. Mainstream media constantly drives the message of “the government is in control”. They criticize the masculine male that stands up for himself, because they fear these people who can take care of business. If you are a “rebel” you are looked upon as if that is wrong. We need more “masculine rebels” today, speaking the truth, more than ever because most of the young men today are “wussies” that “go along to get along”. This has been one of the goals by the ruling social engineers. They have constantly been trying to get rid of men that speak the truth and stand up for their freedom and liberty. Who does the king fear the most? He fears the servants who “wake up” and say that he is not their ruler.


I challenge you to watch this 11 minute video, with Mark Passio speaking more on what I just wrote about. Are you up to the challenge, or is it too hard to focus on something that long?

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