November 2023

Biden Orders Jews To ‘Cease and Desist’ Buying Guns: “The Gov’t Will Protect You”

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From “” President Biden has urged American Jews to stop buying guns in the wake of the escalating Mideast crisis. According to reports, Jewish families in Southern California are now arming themselves for the first time in U.S. history, especially after FBI Director Chris Wray raised the alarm over the imminent threat of Iranian sleeper cells in

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Biden Orders Jews To ‘Cease and Desist’ Buying Guns: “The Gov’t Will Protect You” Read More »

NBC News Admits Obama Secretly Advising Biden White House

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This article comes from “” Former President Barack Obama has been secretly advising the Biden administration for several months, heightening concerns the ex-commander-in-chief is actually running a third-term shadow government with his former VP at the helm. News of Obama’s work with the Biden White House was revealed Friday by NBC News: WASHINGTON — Former President

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NBC News Admits Obama Secretly Advising Biden White House Read More »

Deagel’s 2025 forecast showed America and Israel being absolutely annihilated in WW3 with Israel’s population cut by over 60% and America transformed into a 3rd world nation

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This article comes from “” Over the past 9+ years and dating all the way back to October 22nd of 2014, ANP has been reporting upon the absolutely bizarre ‘forecast’ for America and most of ‘Western Civilization‘ being given by the ‘US government sourced website’ called the ‘Deagel Report‘ for the year 2025, a ‘forecast‘ which showed the United

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Deagel’s 2025 forecast showed America and Israel being absolutely annihilated in WW3 with Israel’s population cut by over 60% and America transformed into a 3rd world nation Read More »

Anti-Lockdown Goes Mainstream

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From “” It’s a shift worth marking.  New York Magazine is featuring an article called “COVID Lockdowns Were a Giant Experiment. It Was a Failure.” The authors are two excellent journalists, Joe Nocera and Bethany McLean, who have also written a new book called The Big Fail, which I have not read but intend to. The ascent

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Anti-Lockdown Goes Mainstream Read More »

Studies show elevated stroke risk in patients who received flu and COVID-19 vaccines together

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This article comes from “” The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine and the flu vaccine each come with their own set of potential side effects, but when these two risky jabs are administered together, the risks may be even higher. A growing body of evidence is now pointing to one very dangerous side effect in particular:

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Studies show elevated stroke risk in patients who received flu and COVID-19 vaccines together Read More »

WHO Publishes Latest Draft of Pandemic Treaty To Combat “Misinformation”

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From “” The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) has published a new draft of its troubled pandemic agreement/accord/treaty – which the agency has complained is taking too long to finalize. The latest draft of the negotiating text, released by the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) on Monday must be considered until the INB session

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WHO Publishes Latest Draft of Pandemic Treaty To Combat “Misinformation” Read More »

Smuggling ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS into the U.S. is now a $13B a year business

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This article comes from “” Over the past decade, smuggling illegal immigrants into the U.S. has evolved from a scattered network of freelance, independent human smugglers known as coyotes into an organized crime-controlled $13 billion a year business. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), while smuggling illegal immigrants is a “gross

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Smuggling ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS into the U.S. is now a $13B a year business Read More »

Statins are the most prescribed drug with over-hyped benefits and downplayed side effects

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This article comes from “” The most prescribed class of drugs in the world – statins – have become one of the most controversial interventions in modern medicine. Hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA) inhibitors have been considered safe and effective for twenty years, yet doctors often over hype the benefits and downplay the side effects.

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Statins are the most prescribed drug with over-hyped benefits and downplayed side effects Read More »

Weather Modification Blamed For Mexico Hurricane: Cat 5 Storm Devastates Acapulco

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Why is the media ignoring the category 5 hurricane that came out of nowhere?Freedom fighter Jeff Berwick joins Stew Peters to talk about the strange and sudden development of Hurricane Otis and how no one was prepared for this storm.The signs are clear this storm was produced by a weaponized weather modification device.

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Weather Modification Blamed For Mexico Hurricane: Cat 5 Storm Devastates Acapulco Read More »