
A Time of Shame and Sorrow: When It Comes to Political Violence, We All Lose

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This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Institution It has been republished with permission from the author. Please contact the author directly for republishing information. “Whenever any American’s life is taken by another American unnecessarily—whether it is done in the name of the law or in the defiance of law,

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Buckle Up, The Rest Of This Year Is going To Be Interesting…

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I have been saying, for the past four years, that we are living in a war. A psychological war. Following the Trump shooting on July 13, 2024 expect things to get wilder. There will be more and more push for dividing Americans. The media will push the propaganda ten fold. I have always said that

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BLM Leader Admits He Was Wrong: “Democrats Want To Replace Us With Illegals”

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From “” Black Lives Matter leader Dr. Umar Rashad Ibn Abdullah-Johnson has warned that Democrats are trying to harm African Americans by replacing them with illegals. “When Joe Biden got elected he said he wanted to fast track four million undocumented residents to full citizenship. Black people completely ignored it. I spoke on it,” Dr.

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BLM Leader Admits He Was Wrong: “Democrats Want To Replace Us With Illegals” Read More »

Project Total Control: Everything Is a Weapon When Totalitarianism Is Normalized

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This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Institution It has been republished with permission from the author. Please contact the author directly for republishing information. “The biggest mistake I see is people waiting for A Big Sign that’ll tell them that things have gone too far. One Big Thing that

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The State Does Not Create Value-Enhancing Jobs

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From “” For quite a considerable amount of time, the topics of job creation and unemployment have been central to every political campaign in almost every country. It hasn’t been without good reason, either, since job security is one of the most important factors in someone’s career. Therefore, a candidate who can promise to create more jobs and sustain job

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Americans Are More Likely To Go To War With The Government Than Submit To The Draft

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From “” By Brandon Smith In a national poll last month Americans were asked if they believed a new civil war was likely to happen within their lifetime. The establishment media was shocked to report that 47% of the population said yes. Those of us in the liberty media were not so surprised; I believe according to

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Americans Are More Likely To Go To War With The Government Than Submit To The Draft Read More »

How to Protect Your Food and Medical Freedoms

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From “” By Tracy Thurman In my previous articles, we looked at the global war on farmers, the organizations pushing for the Great Food Reset, the tactics used to foist these changes on the public, the projects underway to remove your access to healthy, farm-fresh foods, the mRNA, RNA, and DNA gene therapies entering our

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How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags

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From “” Smart cities, 15-minute cities, and predictions of moving rural citizens to cities have been in the works for at least 30 years. China was ahead of the curve by moving 300 million farmers to cities, stripping them of their land, their generational profession, and their dignity. ⁃ TN Editor Shocking evidence is emerging

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