April 2024

The Danger of the West’s Neglect of Individual Rights

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From “mises.org” Though the Western political class constantly criticizes the “authoritarian” nature of certain nations, one should sweep in front of his own door first, to paraphrase Johann von Goethe. Indeed, Western nation-states and international institutions have for years been gnawing at the freedom and rights of both individuals and businesses. First, the exorbitant fiscal […]

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The Danger of the West’s Neglect of Individual Rights Read More »

Bill Gates Unveils AI That Will Replace Podcasters and Newscasters

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv” Bill Gates’ Microsoft has unveiled a new program called VASA that creates “lifelike talking faces of virtual characters with appealing visual effective skills (VAS), given a single static image and a speech audio clip.” According to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) division at Microsoft, the tech giant has been secretly working on the program so that

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Bill Gates Unveils AI That Will Replace Podcasters and Newscasters Read More »

Even ChatGPT Agrees That The Belief In Authority Is A Religion

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What is your “perception” of authority? What is your “belief” in authority? Do you remember entering into a contract to be “ruled” by other people? Did you ever give “consent” to be ruled by others? Did you ever “agree” to have the majority of you time and labor stolen from you? The reason I ask

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Even ChatGPT Agrees That The Belief In Authority Is A Religion Read More »

Top Cardiologist Calls on Public to ‘Warn Others about the Vaccines’

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From “slaynews.com” One of the world’s leading cardiologists has called on citizens around the globe to begin “warning others” that Covid mRNA shots are “dangerous” and “not safe for human use.” The call to action was issued by Dr. Peter McCullough. McCullough is one of the most published cardiologists ever in America. Speaking during a

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Top Cardiologist Calls on Public to ‘Warn Others about the Vaccines’ Read More »

Illegal immigration is costing American hospitals billions of dollars in unpaid medical bills

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” One of the most overlooked financial burdens on the American medical system is the unpaid medical bills coming directly from illegal immigrants. Illegal border crossings surpassed 3.2 million in 2023 — a record high. According to Customs and Border Protection data, apprehensions of illegal aliens have nearly tripled since 2019. These illegal

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Illegal immigration is costing American hospitals billions of dollars in unpaid medical bills Read More »

Let’s Cheer the Deep State

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From “dailyreckoning.com” They’re wearing us down with shocking headlines and opinions. They come daily these days, with increasingly implausible claims that leave your jaw on the floor. The rest of the text is perfunctory. The headline is the takeaway. A few weeks ago, The New York Times told us that “As It Turns out, the Deep State

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The leading cause of death in America today is PHARMACEUTICALS

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” We often hear from politicians that things like raw milk, guns, the unvaccinated and TikTok need to be banned in order to save We the People from harm, but then why do all of these same people support Big Pharma, the actual leading killer of Americans by a long shot? Prescription

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The leading cause of death in America today is PHARMACEUTICALS Read More »