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Why isn’t the word “oligarch” ever used to describe American billionaires? Oligarch means a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence, and they don’t have to reside in Russia, China, or Iran to fit that bill. In fact, several American billionaires support the highly corrupt tyranny that currently runs Washington DC because they control Big Pharma and Big Tech. So why aren’t they called oligarchs? Two words are the easy answer to that question – fake news. These American oligarchs control the mass media and the entire narrative that circles out and down.
Yes, we are living under dictatorship right now in America, and it’s not just “resident” Biden and his cohorts running the show. It’s an autocracy run by American oligarchs, including Jeff Bezos (worth $180 billion), Bill Gates (worth $125 billion), Mark Zuckerberg (worth close to $100 million), and a cabal of pharma executives responsible for the Opioid epidemic and Covid scamdemic. They control 97 percent of the mass media messages, the US regulatory agency “decisions,” and the entire mass media network (social media, TV, radio, newspapers, websites, YouTube and Google) of disinformation.
American oligarchs, biological warfare and domestic terrorism
Bill Gates is on video at a TED conference saying we can reduce the world’s population by a few billion people if we do a “really great job with vaccines and healthcare,” meaning vaccines that sterilize and kill people, and lots of abortions to halt reproduction of the rest. That was a few years before the not-so-novel “gain of function” COVID broke out of (was released from) a Wuhan lab. How many people around the world got “reduced” by COVID and how many got eliminated by the “clot shots” already?
Talk about misinformation, how about mRNA telling your own cells to create toxic prions that clog the blood, decimate the central nervous system, and suppress anti-cancer genes? That’s the domestic terrorism form of misinformation, delivered as biological warfare under the guise of vaccination.
The pharma oligarchs of America call the shots at Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. These are the biggest “war criminals” on planet earth, waging war against their own fellow citizens without even firing a single gun, shooting a missile or exploding a bomb. The oligarchs of America are far more evil than Putin, so they’ve proven. The pharma oligarchs of America are filthy rich from slaves – meaning medical slaves – who think the COVID vaccines save them instead of killing them.
The American tech oligarchs are rich and powerful because they control all of the social media propaganda, Google searches and YouTube content, that’s all crafted to fit their depopulation and fascist agenda. That’s why every American who supports the constitution is now labeled a “domestic terrorist” by the Department of Homeland Security.
Amazon and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos is an American oligarch who’s “all in” for a communist-run America
Ever look into how Amazon workers are treated? Sick people get fired. Got cancer? You’re done working for Amazon. Amazon workers are like peons working for pennies while pushing the grand narrative that only huge corporations in America have value, and every small-to-mid-sized business should be shut down anytime the flu is going around. No competition. It’s called a monopoly, and Amazon’s Bezos is the king of the online selling dictatorship. The American oligarch of direct-to-consumer sales.
It gets worse. Amazon is financially dug in with the CIA, namely through their $10 billion Pentagon contract for what’s known as Amazon Web Services Secret Region. Can you say conflict of interest without coughing into your disposable Covid mask? Bezos would be more than happy to lockdown the entire nation indefinitely for the scamdemic and bankrupt nearly every business that competes with his.
Then there are the evil Google oligarchs. According to Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Google founders Sergey Brin (worth $110 billion) and Larry Page (worth $125 billion) have a monopoly of the majority of online information with their massive search engine. Try to research anything about health and safety and all you get are lies, coercion, misinformation and fake, biased research.
Their censorship SILENCES voices of freedom, liberty, natural health, gun rights, speech and press rights, and it runs very deep (thanks to their bottomless wallets). It’s all about data manipulation, mind control and censorship by the American oligarchs. Let’s just call them what they really are. They’re fascists who want to see America crumble while they get triple as rich and gain more power and control over the populace.
Tune your internet to for huge swaths of truth news that’s being censored from the rest of media as you read this.
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