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By now, you have probably heard all about the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and the government of the corporate United States coming to its depositors’ rescue. But have you heard about how fake president Joe Biden’s bailout of SVB, which the regime has chosen to call a “backstop,” is really more about saving the investment flow into communist China’s sensitive aerospace and defense companies?
China Joe basically saved the communist Chinese regime’s most critical industries, which were using SVB as a bridge, so to speak, in the transfer of United States dollar capital investments into Chinese ventures. In other words, SVB was a highly corrupt bank serving communist Chinese interests in addition to those of Big Tech and other far-left entities.
It was actually the South China Morning Post (SCMP), a Chinese state-run media outlet that exposed the link between SVB and China. When SVB collapsed, it initially triggered a wave of panic throughout China’s tech startup and venture capital (VC) sector, which relied on the now-failed bank to funnel U.S. cash into Chinese ventures.
(Related: An even bigger concern than SVB is Credit Suisse, the implosion of which will have vast repercussions throughout the entire financial world.)
Without SVB, communist China’s budding startup and tech sectors would not have been possible
According to Tech Crunch, China is currently the second-largest venture capital market in the world. And SVB, we now know, was right in the middle of it all, facilitating China’s ever-expanding economy.
“When China was still new to venture capital in the late 1990s, SVB was among the first financial institutions to start serving the country’s startups, while traditional, risk-averse banks avoided them,” Tech Crunch reported.
“Over time, the bank has become a popular option for China-based startups fundraising in USD as well as some China-focused USD venture capital firms.”
So, when Biden announced to the world in his scripted speech this week that SVB’s “depositors” would be rescued, and not to worry, what he was really saying without actually saying it was that he is coming to the rescue of communist China and its economy – with American taxpayers footing the bill.
“It’s actually worse than we first thought,” reported The Gateway Pundit about the matter. “Biden’s bailout of SVB actually helped Sequoia Capitol China Advisors LTD. This entity invests in OrienSpace which is a developer of aerospace and defense initiatives for China.”
In a tweet, investor Alex Bilzerian added to this that the U.S. government, via the private Federal Reserve’s bailout facilities for SVB, “is financially supporting investment flow to sensitive Chinese aerospace & defense companies,” which you can learn more about in the below links he shared:
Simply put, communist China’s aerospace and defense industries would have collapsed had the Biden regime and the Fed simply let the bank collapse, as it should have, without upping the cap on Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) $250,000 coverage limit for lost deposits.
One wonders: whose side is Biden really on, that of the American people or that of communist China?
“Joe is one of China’s most valuable assets,” one commenter wrote about the Pedophile-in-Chief. “And America’s greatest liability.”
“Imbecile Joe Biden is the best president China ever had!” wrote another.
“This is absolutely criminal,” added another. “Deposits over 250k should be lost as was the agreement between the bank and the depositor.”
The latest news about the engineered takedown of the current economic world order, which will make way for a new world order, can be found at
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