False flag red alert – They’re playing for all the marbles in 2024 as globalists in govt prepare barbaric acts of terror against Americans

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com”

In the latest bit of alarming evidence that the globalists who’ve been working to destroy America are preparing for something huge as we arrive in just days at 2024, during their year-end CBS News correspondents roundtable, analyst Catherine Herridge predicted a major national security crisis for the United States in the new year.

(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)

With Herridge, who is CBS’s senior investigative correspondent, making that ominous prediction for 2024 as heard in the video directly below, warning of a potential ‘Black Swan event’ dead ahead, as we’ve long warned here on ANP, we must remember the history of the United States government planning and carrying out acts of terrorism upon the American people if it helps them to meet their political goals as documented in this description of the ‘Operation Northwoods’ events of 1962, planned false flag acts of terror that were going to be carried out by the CIA and US military upon the American people, acts of terror that would be blamed on those other than the US government terrorists who carried them out.

And while President John F. Kennedy shot down the Operation Northwoods terrorist acts that would have been carried out by US government ‘operatives’ upon Americans, only to be assassinated himself soon after, the top-voted comments on this Gateway Pundit story reporting on Herridge’s remarks about a national security crisis with unpredictable high impact coming in 2024 show the American people there fully understand who’ll be responsible for the terror coming in the year ahead. Some of those top-voted comments from the GP story sum up our own thoughts completely.

NobodyImportant: My prediction is the event will be coordinated and carried out by our own current sitting government.

Pray for America: Under the direction of the UN.

Bright_Day: I would add the event will be coordinated and carried out by CIA, FBI and our own governmentThese are evil people, and slowly are destroying the supremacy of the USA and allowing enemy countries to flourish. Globalists are shooting their own feet.

Gex: That’s why sippycupjoe is bringing 200,000 illegal aliens (mostly military age males) into our country every month……and after all sippycupjoe is just obama’s third term.  

Mike365: More like a FALSE FLAG event staged by the USA government….either …..right before the 2024 election OR if Trump wins…..right after the election. 

1) EMP, 

2) another 911 event,

3) another man made disease let loose (or just saying their is a killer disease but lying) 

4) maybe a large MAGA group will be accused of some big terrorist attack (but really done by FBI/CIA/Antifa types) and either be framed for it or it was staged to look real.

Wesley Alexander: It will be something where WE THE PEOPLE will need to look to the government to ‘save us’ and ‘give up our rights’ in the process. 

What we must understand is that THEY THE GOVERNMENT THE DEEP STATE will orchestrate these events to bring about the outcome they want. We MUST be aware of their manipulation.  

NSB on the Beach: The only way the Dems can stay in power. Start a big war.

FC Rob NOT: Followed by martial law therefore no elections.

T eye double grr: All she did was repeat what she was told to repeat. We all know its coming, do your best to be prepared. If you can get out of the cities, now is the time.

Mrs. Sunshine:

The 2024 black swan event: 

The U.S. government will attack the population within the U.S… The attack will consist of one or a combination of: Shut the internet off, shut the electricity off EMP, nuclear strike in red states targeting republican voter counties, and activate all the foreign invaders military aged men from the open border to murder citizens and burn down everything they can. Unlikely there will be a 2024 election. 

The only thing for sure is: The U.S. government will be the entity attacking the population and will have a plan to try to place the blame elsewhere. It will happen because all the predictive programming is coming from all media.

So is this just more ‘predictive programming‘ coming from another CBS talking head as heard in the brief video above? As we’ve discussed previously in several different ANP stories, the predictive programming for an event that takes down the internet are HUGELY right now in our faces, even coming directly from the Obama crime cabal, and such a nationwide internet outage would allow the globalists to retain control of the little tiny bit of information that is flowing out to ‘the People’.

As the movie “Leave The World Behind” clearly showed, most people who are wired to their devices, along with everybody else who still watches TV News, wouldn’t have a clue what was going on around them if the internet were to go down, for an extended period of time or even permanently, and as that movie showed, it wouldn’t take long at all for things to go completely insane.

Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com

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