All Of These “Scaredy Cops”…

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It seems that each year, that goes by, the hiring standards go down and the fear goes up. What I am referring to is Americas law enforcement. It seems the hiring qualifications that are desired nowadays are: a lack of critical thinking, a constant state of fear, lack of morals, and a sense of superiority over the people in society. Once they hire these personality types they are trained to disregard peoples rights, seek out I.D.’s like an addict seeks cocaine, and “spray and pray” bullets any time they feel that “officer safety” is in jeopardy.

To back up what I just described, lets take a look at some law enforcement officers doing what should only be in a “Police Academy” movie. On November 12, 2023 in Okaloosa County Florida two deputies were taking a report about a man possibly taking a woman’s vehicle without her permission. The man was taken into custody, searched for weapons, handcuffed, and placed in the back of a patrol vehicle. Then, as one of the deputies walks back to the patrol vehicle, an acorn falls from a tree above it. The acorn hits the top of the vehicle and bounces onto the deputy. This deputy falls to the ground, starts yelling “shots fired, shots fired”! He continues to crawl on the ground until he was behind the vehicle, and pulls his gun out. He yells “I’m hit”! The female deputy, that was still talking to the complainant, hears the deputy screaming “shots fired” and runs toward the patrol vehicle. She yells “what, where? Right there?” They both start firing bullets at the patrol car that the man was in the back of still handcuffed!

All the man could do was lay down and pray that they did not kill him. Luckily, he was not shot. Neither deputy was criminally charged for this blatant disregard for human life. The male officer resigned. When you watch the video below you will see just how crazy the deputy acted when the acorn fell and he falls to the ground and starts screaming for his life. Is this what is supposed to be protecting America? These cops today are afraid of their own shadow!

Here is Brian, from “Here’s The Deal” showing us these “scaredy cops” and their stupidity. (Note that in this video it had not become aware of the fact that the acorn falling is what scared the hell out of the deputy. But the next video below this one will show the acorn.)

Here is “We The People University” showcasing the incident and speaking about the acorn falling.

Here is the official incident report

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