I have pointed out numerous times over the years that today’s law enforcement do not have a problem killing their fellow men or women of society. I experienced this change over, while I was in law enforcement, from being “protective guardians” to developing this “warrior mindset” where they actually look forward to an altercation with people.
Today’s law enforcement are too quick to go to deadly force in the escalation of force standards. They do this because of the “qualified immunity” that they have. They know that 9 times out of 10 they will not be held criminally or financially liable for their actions. If they were always held liable then this type of behavior would end almost over night. But the political tyrants do not want their “attack dogs” on a leash. They want them to serve as “the teeth” against society. Because without the “order followers” the tyrants would be powerless.
I have said this over and over, every time you encounter a law enforcement officer you life hangs by a thread. Even a consensual encounter. If you open your door to law enforcement in the wee hours of the night and you just happen to be armed for your own protection don’t expect them to understand your desire to look out for your own safety. More and more people are getting gunned down by cops because of the “officer safety excuse”. Here’s a thought: if you cops are so damn scared of everything, do not become a cop!
Here is “The Civil Rights Lawyer” showing us some of the incidents where people were shot at home by the ones sworn to protect them.