Airline Employees For Health Freedom Is A TROJAN HORSE? AE4HF Conspired With Airlines Against Pilots

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Some organizations that sprang up in resistance to fight Covid tyranny were actually scams.
Journalist Marty Watters joins Stew Peters to talk about the organization Airline Employees For Health Freedom (AE4HF ).
The founder of AE4HF is a woman named Sherry Walker.
During legal scuffles over vaccine mandates, Sherry once reached out to Stew Peters.
She was hysterical and threatened Stew with jail time based on his reporting about a publicly-disseminated flyer intended to fight against vaccine mandates at airlines.
The flyer was an organized effort to get flight attendants to walk off their jobs.
The Airlines did not want pilots and flight attendants to realize the power they had in fighting against the bioweapon vaccine mandates.
Marty Watters claims that Sherry Walker and her organization AE4HF were created by the Airlines as controlled opposition and a means to spy on dissident pilots.
Marty Watters also claims Sherry Walker wasted 1.5 million dollars that came from patriots in a pointless lawsuit against American Airlines.
Marty believes Sherry Walker is a mouthpiece for the World Economic Forum and that is why she tried to intimidate Stew Peters and suppress the truth that forced vaccination is against FAA regulations.

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