The law enforcement officers that are out there enforcing the edicts of these law makers are the line that separates unjust tyranny and protecting society from said tyranny. These police of today lack the genuine compassion for their fellow individuals that is needed more than ever. Most police officers today make a conscious decision to put on that uniform everyday, but I think it’s for the wrong reasons. The majority of police are not only trained to have a “warrior” mindset, but most of them enjoy the sense of superiority over the civilian. They do not see themselves as “guardians” of the individuals constitutional rights. They utter the words “I’m just doing my job”, when they should be asking themselves “what do I see when I look into the mirror?”. I fear 2021 is going to be the crucial year that all police are going to have to decide whether they are the “warriors for tyrants” or are they the “guardians of the individuals”. Watch this video below to get a small glimpse into the training mindset of police.