
I believe in the foundation of truth. I believe that no man has a higher authority over another man.

Biden AG pick says Antifa, BLM attacks in Portland not domestic terrorism because they occurred after business hours!

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ President Joe Biden’s nominee for attorney general told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Antifa and Black Lives Matter attacks against federal buildings in Portland, Oregon were not acts of domestic terrorism because they did not occur during business hours. Judge Merrick Garland is Biden’s pick to become attorney general and […]

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Biden AG pick says Antifa, BLM attacks in Portland not domestic terrorism because they occurred after business hours! Read More »

Same IBM that partnered with Adolf Hitler to help run the Holocaust now partnering with Moderna to install Vaccine Passports.

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ When an evil is ignored or accepted as normal, when justice is not properly served, history ultimately has a way of repeating itself, beckoning that evil to resurface again. If not confronted, its curse will remain. The International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), an American multinational technology company, is now partnering

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Same IBM that partnered with Adolf Hitler to help run the Holocaust now partnering with Moderna to install Vaccine Passports. Read More »

Bill Gates is colluding with the Chinese Communist Party to spread anti-American propaganda…

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Efforts by communist China to overthrow America’s constitutional republic are getting a major boost from Bill Gates. The billionaire eugenicist has reportedly been advising various groups within the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) United Front on how to “take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.” Gates serves on a steering

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Bill Gates is colluding with the Chinese Communist Party to spread anti-American propaganda… Read More »

Covid-19 swab test burst woman’s brain membrane resulting in leaked spinal fluid…

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ A Texas woman suffered a horrific membrane rupture after a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) nasal swab test punctured her brain tissue, resulting in spinal fluid leaking from her body. Chari Timm of San Antonio went to the hospital for chest pain when she was told that in order to receive care, she would

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Covid-19 swab test burst woman’s brain membrane resulting in leaked spinal fluid… Read More »

The False Flags Are Being Set To Attack The 2nd Amendment…

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The media, Google, and other platforms that want to abolish the 2nd Amendment are gearing up to sell a false flag narrative to try and support these gun control bills that are being fast tracked against the American people. Remember, the media and other online platforms are censorship tools used to sell the lies to

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The False Flags Are Being Set To Attack The 2nd Amendment… Read More »

If You Are Not Resisting Tyranny, You Are Helping It Thrive Against Everyone…

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If you are just “going with the flow”, doing what you are told and not standing up against all tyranny then you are actually helping it thrive. Drop the ego, the preconceived notions and stand with others in an effort to resist tyranny. Don’t give in to the fear being sold 24/7 by the lying

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If You Are Not Resisting Tyranny, You Are Helping It Thrive Against Everyone… Read More »