
I believe in the foundation of truth. I believe that no man has a higher authority over another man.

States move to hold Big Tech accountable for violating free speech

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ U.S. states are now moving to quickly rein in abuses by Big Tech. Spurred by various motivations, such as fighting censorship, increasing data privacy protection or simply raising revenue by punishing cash-flush companies that have grown rich through their dominant market positions, these states are now looking to take on Big Tech. […]

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States move to hold Big Tech accountable for violating free speech Read More »

Montana governor lifts statewide mask mandate

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ The new Republican governor of Montana lifted a statewide mask mandate in place since July 2020. Gov. Greg Gianforte rescinded the mandate on Feb. 12, fulfilling a promise he made the previous month. He stated that he would continue wearing a face mask despite the mandate’s repeal. But some cities are not

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Montana governor lifts statewide mask mandate Read More »

Masks, social distancing and virtual learning are really about the installation of COMMUNISM in America

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This article comes from “dcdirtylaundry.com“ Everything about the “new norm” in America is modeled after Communist China. Most Americans think it’s all about protection from Covid-19, but that’s just the cover story, just like 9/11 was a cover story for the Patriot Act to enable the US government to spy on every American and disable

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Masks, social distancing and virtual learning are really about the installation of COMMUNISM in America Read More »

CNN and NBC Paid Leftist Grifter $70,000 for His Capitol Chaos Footage That Included Ashli Babbitt Shooting

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This article comes from “bigleaguepolitics.com“ Invoices show that CNN and NBC paid $35,000 apiece to John Sullivan, a left-wing grifter who enjoys stirring up trouble, for his video footage of the January 6 Capitol chaos—footage that included the killing of Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt. Politico linked to these invoices in a recent report on Sullivan’s court hearing. Judge Robin

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CNN and NBC Paid Leftist Grifter $70,000 for His Capitol Chaos Footage That Included Ashli Babbitt Shooting Read More »

Here are the 56 executive actions Biden has signed while the media tell you his work hasn’t started yet.

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ On cue, CNN and Politico insisted that February 15th, was the real first day of the Biden regime. The claim is made as a result of Congress’ decision to waste a month (and millions of dollars) trying to impeach and remove President Trump (again).  But the claim appears to be

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Here are the 56 executive actions Biden has signed while the media tell you his work hasn’t started yet. Read More »

Political push to end gas-powered vehicles and replace them with electric cars a delusional pipe dream

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ The powers that be would like us all to believe that America will be running exclusively on electric-powered vehicles in less than 15 years. The reality, however, is that this is not only impossible but also a foolish endeavor that will create more pollution and more problems. Akio Toyoda, CEO

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Political push to end gas-powered vehicles and replace them with electric cars a delusional pipe dream Read More »

“Try to Be LESS WHITE”…

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Coca-Cola Forces Employees to Complete Anti-White Critical Race Theory Training This article comes from “bigleaguepolitics.com“ Images leaked by an internal whistleblower show the blatantly racist and anti-white online training that Coca-Cola employees must undergo. A former Democrat and self-described “unwoke activist” Karlyn Borysenko obtained the images and walked through them in a video posted to her YouTube

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“Try to Be LESS WHITE”… Read More »

Harvard has extensive financial ties to Chinese Communist Party

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ The indoctrination center would never openly admit to such, but Ivy League icon Harvard University has deep financial ties to communist China. Its Shorenstein Center, which published a report recently claiming that Dr. Li-Meng Yan’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) studies are bunk, has longstanding ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), working on its

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Harvard has extensive financial ties to Chinese Communist Party Read More »