(Suddenly Biden has cancer and Covid-19. Normally I would not even entertain this, but watch over the next few weeks to see if this is used to say that he has to step down. If that takes place, they most likely would not put Harris in place permanently. So, who knows what puppet they would put in place.)
This article comes from “100percentfedup.com”
Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 less than 24 hours after telling the world that he has cancer in Massachusetts
Prepare for Kamala Harris.
79-year-old Joe Biden, who has previously had skin cancer, said Wednesday that he currently has cancer, and who often appears to struggle with motor skills and mental clarity, tested positive Thursday for COVID-19.
Less than 24 hours after telling the world that he has cancer, Biden now is also positive for COVID-19–a potentially deadly combination at his age.
Despite being fully vaccinated and boosted twice, as well as taking “precautions,” as the White House put it, while on his trip around the Middle East, Biden contracted the disease at the tail end of the pandemic.
The White House says that he is experiencing very mild symptoms and is taking an antiviral medication, Paxlovid.
Press Secretary Jean-Pierre wrote:
“Consistent with CDC guidelines, he will isolate at the White House and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time. He has been in contact with members of the White House staff by phone this morning, and will participate in his planned meetings at the White House this morning via phone and Zoom from the residence.”
The White House also stated that Biden’s previous test on Tuesday, just two days prior, was negative.
The vaccine and boosters, which some Democrats still desperately try to push on people, evidently do not do a thing to prevent the disease from being spread or contracted, despite Biden saying this time last year that if you have received the vaccines you will not contact the virus.
And at Biden’s age, with his possible but officially denied cancer, the disease which is typically less deadly than the flu still has a chance of hospitalizing him or even resulting in his death.
We may see Kamala Harris as acting president if either were to happen.
Like all of Biden’s presidency, this puts America in a lose-lose situation.