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Fake president Joe Biden and his illicit regime are pushing for a new “geoengineering” plan to take shape that would allow mad scientists to artificially block natural sunlight as part of an ill-conceived plot to “cool” the planet and save it from so-called “global warming.”
A recently unveiled White House report makes a recommendation that the United States implement what has been dubbed as solar radiation modification, or SRM, which would alter the chemical makeup of the atmosphere in such a way that much less sunlight reaches the earth’s surface.
Just as we long warned would eventually become the case, sun-blocking measures such as this, which the corporate-controlled media called a “wild conspiracy theory,” are fast-becoming official policy primarily from left-wing politicians both here and abroad.
According to the Biden regime, Congress requested the report, not anyone from the executive branch. In other words, geoengineering is not something that Biden wants, but is rather something that Congress wants to help stop the mythical threat known as man-made climate change.
Biden climate report cites chemtrails as one solution to global warming
There are numerous suggestions made in the report for achieving SRM beyond just sun-blocking. One of the other methods put forth involves spraying the stratosphere with chemical aerosols, a technology more popularly known as chemtrails.
Once again, the establishment just a few short years ago tried to claim that the idea of chemtrails was preposterous, and that only conspiracy theorists would ever believe that such a thing exists. Now, we have government officials straight from the White House recommending more chemtrails as a solution to an allegedly warming planet.
Another idea proposed in the report involves creating more cloud coverage over the world’s oceans in the form of a thicker marine layer; reducing the amount of cirrus clouds that naturally form; and using large reflectors to send solar radiation back into space.
All of these ideas involve chemtrails as well since many now believe that chemtrails are used, among other things, to “seed” the skies with more clouds, which in effect blocks natural sunlight from reaching earth.
It would seem to be the case based on observations with the naked eye that every time there are heavy chemtrailing days, the following days see thick cloud cover and overcast days that may have otherwise been sunny had the skies not been artificially seeded through geoengineering.
Artificially tampering with the skies and climate is obviously a very serious threat to the planet. Everything was designed in its proper course to work in an interconnected way, and every time mankind tries to interfere with that, consequences, usually negative, ensue.
What the Biden regime wants to see happen next is the formation of a “program of research” into these various proposed strategies, which it says will “enable better-informed decisions about the potential risks and benefits” of blocking natural sunlight.
The Biden White House also claims that further exploring geoengineering technologies will allow for a better understanding of “the foundational elements of greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and adaptation.”
“SRM offers the possibility of cooling the planet significantly on a timescale of a few years,” the report explains.
As of now, the Biden White House claims that “there are no plans underway to establish a comprehensive research program focused on solar radiation modification.”
The latest news about the globalist plot to block natural sunlight and deprive the planet of vitamin D-producing, plant-feeding ultraviolet (UV) radiation can be found at
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