Climate Hoax

How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags

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From “” Smart cities, 15-minute cities, and predictions of moving rural citizens to cities have been in the works for at least 30 years. China was ahead of the curve by moving 300 million farmers to cities, stripping them of their land, their generational profession, and their dignity. ⁃ TN Editor Shocking evidence is emerging […]

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How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags Read More »

Arnold Schwarzenegger Partners With ‘Pizzagate’ Predator John Podesta To Fight Climate Change

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From “” Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and scandal-ridden Pizzagate predator John Podesta have joined forces to fight so-called climate change. The duo teamed up recently at the Austrian World Summit in Vienna, Austria, to discuss the supposed ‘essential political tools’ needed to tackle climate change. Joe Biden personally selected Podesta as White House senior advisor to the

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Partners With ‘Pizzagate’ Predator John Podesta To Fight Climate Change Read More »

Satanic billionaires are funding thousands of “journalists” to promote the global Net Zero depopulation agenda

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This article comes from “” Satanic billionaires are publishing their plans for humanity, right out in the open. A new report from the Earth Journalism Network (EJN) sheds light on a vast global grooming program that targets mainstream media journalists, activist organizations and “independent” journalist to parrot climate doom propaganda. This initiative, funded by green billionaires, heavily

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Satanic billionaires are funding thousands of “journalists” to promote the global Net Zero depopulation agenda Read More »

Are you ready for the CLIMATE VACCINES about to be unleashed by anti-human globalists?

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This article comes from “” Unless We the People stop them, climate fanatics like billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates are planning to inject you and your family with climate change and global warming “vaccines.” Right now, they are already injecting meat animals with climate jabs, claiming these are necessary to keep the animals “safe” from fictitious diseases. Eventually,

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Are you ready for the CLIMATE VACCINES about to be unleashed by anti-human globalists? Read More »

Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal

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From Greg Reese A means of monitoring and controlling the entire human population. Transcript of video: For decades, those with eyes to see have been aware of Chemtrails in our skies. And for decades we were called conspiracy theorists. But in 2016, while serving as Director of the CIA, John Brennan admitted that Chemtrails are

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Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal Read More »

Climate cultists want to IMPRISON anyone who disagrees with them

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This article comes from “” British environmentalist Jim Dale is so angry that some people refuse to believe that the planet is warming due to climate change that he is now calling for all “climate deniers” to be sent to the gulag. Likening denial of global warming to flat earth conspiracy theories, Dale thinks it should be

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Climate cultists want to IMPRISON anyone who disagrees with them Read More »

Bird Flu Playbook: Forced Vaccines, Stolen Election & Food Shortages w/ Todd Callender

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Seth, from “Man In America”, talks with Todd Callender about what may be coming down the pipeline.

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Bird Flu Playbook: Forced Vaccines, Stolen Election & Food Shortages w/ Todd Callender Read More »

America: Goodbye my country

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This article comes from “” 25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed Explained in Under 2 Minutes (Article republished from A Warning to America: 25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed | Explained in Under 2 Minutes — Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) April 22, 2024 I would add several more. For example, the independence of doctors requires

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America: Goodbye my country Read More »

Warning to America: 25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed

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This article comes from “” Powerful video explains how America is being dismantled from all sides with endless wars, the collapsed border, rise of the Censorship Industrial Complex, propaganda media, rampant crime, election insecurity, and much more — watch and share! A powerful clip by X user Western Lensman lays out 25 ways that the

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Warning to America: 25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed Read More »

Bill Gates’ New Plan: Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to “Combat Global Warming”

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From “” Bill Gates and other globalist billionaires are now investing in newly established climate companies like Kodama Systems to harvest and bury one billion tons of “biomass” to “save the planet.” Millions of trees, which provide us with oxygen and could have been valuable timber, will be buried instead. This will lead to soaring

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Bill Gates’ New Plan: Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to “Combat Global Warming” Read More »