BUSTED: Arnold Schwarzenegger Caught MASKLESS After Saying “Screw Your Freedoms”

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This article comes from “trendingpolitics.com”

Earlier this week, Arnold Schwarzenegger said “screw your freedoms” to anyone who didn’t want to wear a mask or inject their bodies with an experimental vaccine. He also called these freedom-lovers a bunch of “schmucks”.

Well, as fate would have it, the radical left-wing celebrity was caught MASKLESS in Beverly Hills, CA on Friday. By his own definition, he is engaging in “super-spreader” activity.

If he was truly worried about not spreading to Covid, wouldn’t he wear a mask in public just in case? How about 2 masks? 3 masks? I personally think he would be sporting 4 if he *really* wants to protect others.

“Arnold Schwarzenegger was seen stepping out on Friday in Beverly Hills, Calif., days after he called mask-averse Americans “schmucks” and said, “screw your freedom,” to those seeking to terminate COVID-19 mandates.

The former governor of California was spotted wearing a grey tee and black shorts paired with sunglasses and a cowboy hat.

A maskless Schwarzenegger also chomped on a cigar for the outing where he hung out with friends and drove his custom Hummer throughout the city.”

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