
Shock Video: Illegals Pour Out of Pickup Truck During Pursuit in Texas

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This article comes from “” Illegal aliens poured out of a pickup truck and fled into the night when a human smuggler was pulled over by police in South Texas, according to reports. Dash cam footage released by the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) shows approximately a dozen migrants being transported in a Dodge […]

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Shock Video: Illegals Pour Out of Pickup Truck During Pursuit in Texas Read More »

Biden Extends Mask Mandate For Americans, While Scrapping ALL Restrictions For Illegal Border Migrants

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This article comes from “” While simultaneously ending all COVID restrictions for migrants crossing illegally into the United States, Joe Biden’s CDC has extended mask mandates for Americans on planes and public transport. A CDC statement declares “Since early April, there have been increases in the seven-day moving average of cases in the U.S. The CDC

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Biden Extends Mask Mandate For Americans, While Scrapping ALL Restrictions For Illegal Border Migrants Read More »

Massive Invasion Of U.S.: Exclusive Footage Of Military Invasion On Southern Border

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Thanks to the Republican Party, the Mexican border is a penetrated joke. Leaders in the party betrayed President Trump and successfully stonewalled the mission and set the stage for a new invasion. Now, the Biden junta is using taxpayer dollars to give free hotel rooms to hundreds of thousands of new invaders, all while prosecuting

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Massive Invasion Of U.S.: Exclusive Footage Of Military Invasion On Southern Border Read More »

Illegal aliens exempt from covid “vaccine” mandates because they can sue drug companies (but you can’t)

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This article comes from “” The only people who are not required to take Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are “migrants,” according to new reports. Officials and internal documents from the pro-jab Gavi organization say that tens of millions of illegal aliens will probably not be forced to take Fauci Flu shots because several major drug manufacturers

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Illegal aliens exempt from covid “vaccine” mandates because they can sue drug companies (but you can’t) Read More »

Covid Vaccine Manufacturers Worried Refugees Could Sue Them Following Adverse Reactions

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(It’s all about killing off the current domestic Americans and leaving the “new servants” to fill the USA….) This article comes from “” According to a report published by Reuters on Thursday, several Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers are concerned about using the experimental shots on migrant populations. The pharmaceutical companies are worried that because the refugees or migrants are

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Covid Vaccine Manufacturers Worried Refugees Could Sue Them Following Adverse Reactions Read More »

Insane: Biden regime “in talks” to pay illegal immigrant families “separated” during Trump admin $450,000 EACH in taxpayer funds

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This article comes from “” Poll after poll, survey after survey, shows that one of the main issues troubling Americans is illegal immigration, and yet under the current regime, the problem has become a full-blown crisis thanks to insane open border policies. But if that isn’t bad enough, the Biden White House is about to

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Insane: Biden regime “in talks” to pay illegal immigrant families “separated” during Trump admin $450,000 EACH in taxpayer funds Read More »

DHS Insider Goes PUBLIC – Project Veritas

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Project Veritas released a new video today featuring an interview with current U.S. Department of Homeland Security [DHS] Insider Aaron Stevenson, who serves as an Intelligence Research Specialist for the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS]. Stevenson decided to go public with information about a “reasonable fear” loophole that exists in the federal government’s immigration

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DHS Insider Goes PUBLIC – Project Veritas Read More »

To survive, red states must now NULLIFY the federal government and declare themselves “health freedom zones” that DENOUNCE the FDA, CDC and OSHA

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This article comes from “” With illegitimate occupier-in-chief Joe Biden waging outright war and economic terrorism against red states (see examples below), the leaders of those red states must now nullify federal government overreach in order to prevent their own citizens from being mass murdered by D.C. swamp policies that are intentionally designed to achieve depopulation. Some

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To survive, red states must now NULLIFY the federal government and declare themselves “health freedom zones” that DENOUNCE the FDA, CDC and OSHA Read More »

Lara Logan says she’s been told migrant crisis at border perfect cover for someone to sneak in a bioweapon

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This article comes from “”  Investigative journalist Lara Logan, who has been doing yeoman’s work reporting on little-known aspects of the current border crisis, says she has been told by experts that the Biden regime’s open border policies are the perfect cover for terrorists or nation-states sneaking in a new bioweapon similar to the COVID-19 virus

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Lara Logan says she’s been told migrant crisis at border perfect cover for someone to sneak in a bioweapon Read More »

INVASION: Biden administration processing thousands of unvaccinated Haitians and letting them loose into America

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This article comes from “” The administration of President Joe Biden is reportedly processing thousands of Haitian illegal immigrant “family units” and releasing them into the United States. A crisis has developed on the southern border in recent weeks due to the sudden surge of thousands of mostly Haitian illegal immigrants. According to Acting Chief Raul

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INVASION: Biden administration processing thousands of unvaccinated Haitians and letting them loose into America Read More »