Unveiling the FDA’s DECEPTION: The hidden truth behind Pfizer’s vaccine approval

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” In a stunning turn of events, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been caught red-handed in a brazen attempt to mislead the judiciary and the American public. The latest court order, issued on December 6, 2024, by a federal judge, has exposed the FDA’s systematic concealment of critical documents related to […]

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Unveiling the FDA’s DECEPTION: The hidden truth behind Pfizer’s vaccine approval Read More »

FDA Lab Uncovers Excess DNA Contamination in Covid-19 Vaccines

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From “brownstone.org” An explosive new study conducted within the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) own laboratory has revealed excessively high levels of DNA contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine. Tests conducted at the FDA’s White Oak Campus in Maryland found that residual DNA levels exceeded regulatory safety limits by 6 to 470 times. The study

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FDA Lab Uncovers Excess DNA Contamination in Covid-19 Vaccines Read More »

Big Pharma Continues to Hide the Truth

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From “brownstone.org” On Thursday, Joe Rogan and Marvel megastar Josh Brolin traded stories about the preponderance of Covid vaccine injuries among their friends. Brolin even described contracting “a mild case of Bell’s palsy” earlier this year, which Rogan attributed to the vaccine, noting he knew several people who suffered facial paralysis following Covid vaccination. There is no

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Big Pharma Continues to Hide the Truth Read More »

FDA finally takes action on toxic Red Dye 3

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” For far too long, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has placed the interests of food companies ahead of public health. It’s a practice that has allowed harmful additives, like Red Dye 3, to remain in our food supply despite clear evidence of their carcinogenic effects. Although the recent confirmation

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FDA finally takes action on toxic Red Dye 3 Read More »

FDA Approves Clinical Trial For ‘Self-Amplifying’ mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine

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From “100percentfedup.com” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a clinical trial to test a ‘self-amplifying’ mRNA vaccine candidate for H5N1 virus (bird flu). “Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc., a commercial messenger RNA medicines company focused on the development of infectious disease vaccines and opportunities within liver and respiratory rare diseases, today announced that the

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FDA Approves Clinical Trial For ‘Self-Amplifying’ mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine Read More »

FDA approves monkeypox vaccine despite acknowledging that it is DANGEROUS

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a vaccine for people deemed to be at “high risk” for monkeypox, despite acknowledging that the injection itself is dangerous. The regulator approved the ACAM2000 vaccine on Aug. 29. The Defender‘s Suzanne Burdick said in a report that the vaccine was made by Emergent BioSolutions, a company

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FDA approves monkeypox vaccine despite acknowledging that it is DANGEROUS Read More »

The “public health” agenda of US regulators and pharmaceutical companies is actually a PUBLIC DEATH agenda

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” After 24 years as a food and nutrition journalist, published laboratory scientist, food manufacturer, Food Forensics book author, detox patent holder and publisher of Natural News, I have come to the irrefutable conclusion that the FDA, CDC, USDA and EPA are literally trying to kill off as many Americans as

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The “public health” agenda of US regulators and pharmaceutical companies is actually a PUBLIC DEATH agenda Read More »

FDA instructs outgoing staff how to influence agency “behind the scenes” after their departure

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” It took them long enough, but the scientific community is finally acknowledging the “revolving door” that exists between the United States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the pharmaceutical industry. It is routine practice for high-level officials at the FDA to leave the agency and take lucrative positions within Big Pharma, explains a new

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FDA instructs outgoing staff how to influence agency “behind the scenes” after their departure Read More »

The FDA is a front organization that has allowed vaccine manufacturers to pillage the world for decades

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv” The majority of Americans once trusted their government to tell them the truth about vaccines. However, after the covid-19 scandal of lies, fraud and abuse, more people are questioning the entire vaccine evaluation and regulatory process. What if the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was originally setup as a front group for the pharmaceutical

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The FDA is a front organization that has allowed vaccine manufacturers to pillage the world for decades Read More »

FDA is a front organization: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample testing occurs

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” One of the questions the reader is trying to answer has to do with whether biological regulation authority was ever statutorily established by [the US] Congress, for NIH and its precursor organisations, going back to the late 1800s. (Article by Rhoda Wilson republished from Expose-News.com) Modern-day NIH and FDA officials present

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FDA is a front organization: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample testing occurs Read More »