FDA instructs outgoing staff how to influence agency “behind the scenes” after their departure

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” It took them long enough, but the scientific community is finally acknowledging the “revolving door” that exists between the United States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the pharmaceutical industry. It is routine practice for high-level officials at the FDA to leave the agency and take lucrative positions within Big Pharma, explains a new […]

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FDA instructs outgoing staff how to influence agency “behind the scenes” after their departure Read More »

The FDA is a front organization that has allowed vaccine manufacturers to pillage the world for decades

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv” The majority of Americans once trusted their government to tell them the truth about vaccines. However, after the covid-19 scandal of lies, fraud and abuse, more people are questioning the entire vaccine evaluation and regulatory process. What if the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was originally setup as a front group for the pharmaceutical

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The FDA is a front organization that has allowed vaccine manufacturers to pillage the world for decades Read More »

FDA is a front organization: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample testing occurs

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” One of the questions the reader is trying to answer has to do with whether biological regulation authority was ever statutorily established by [the US] Congress, for NIH and its precursor organisations, going back to the late 1800s. (Article by Rhoda Wilson republished from Expose-News.com) Modern-day NIH and FDA officials present

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FDA is a front organization: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample testing occurs Read More »

Nothing says ‘trust the science’ like hiding the science for 24 months…

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From “revolver.news” The entire COVID and vaccine narrative that the left tried to shove down our throats and into our bloodstreams is collapsing like a flim-flam house of cards. The real truth, which many of us knew from the very start, is finally emerging, leaving our so-called “experts” scrambling in the dust. After enduring endless

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Nothing says ‘trust the science’ like hiding the science for 24 months… Read More »


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Dr. Jane Ruby interviews Sasha Latypova about Astra Zeneca leaked audio that reveals Covid was, and continues to be, a DOD operation. Former Pharma R&D Executive, Sasha Latypova returns to the show to discuss DOD contracts with pharma for mass genocide of the American people, Robert Malone’s obsession with the manipulated definition of pandemic, and

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In revealing interview, Dr. Judy Mikovits drops bombshell revelations about the weaponization of science and medicine

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” Renowned virologist and biomedical research scientist Dr. Judy Mikovits has uncovered how health authorities have been weaponizing science and medicine for their own gain. Mikovits made these shocking revelations during a recent interview with the Health Ranger Mike Adams on the “Health Ranger Report.” Adams brought up how the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

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In revealing interview, Dr. Judy Mikovits drops bombshell revelations about the weaponization of science and medicine Read More »

FDA just lost a historic ivermectin lawsuit — so when will FDA officials be arrested and charged with manslaughter for denying lifesaving treatments to Americans?

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” During the covid-19 scandal, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) routinely interfered in the doctor-patient relationship, withheld life-saving information and suppressed efficacious treatments for covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses. In misleading the public, the FDA placed pressure on medical boards and waged war against doctors who effectively treated their patients for covid-19. One

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FDA just lost a historic ivermectin lawsuit — so when will FDA officials be arrested and charged with manslaughter for denying lifesaving treatments to Americans? Read More »

Documents from FDA, Pfizer show that COVID “vaccine” shedding is REAL

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” Up until now, most of the research exposing Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” as dangerous – and exposing those who take them as disease and death spreaders – has come from independent sources. Now, the truth is coming from the federal government and Big Tech. It took the sleuthing public, including the diligent

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Documents from FDA, Pfizer show that COVID “vaccine” shedding is REAL Read More »

FDA Quietly Finalizes Rule That Removes Informed Consent From Clinical Trials

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From “100percentfedup.com” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized a rule that removes the requirement to obtain informed consent for medical research. “This final rule allows an exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than minimal risk to the human subject,” the rule reads. The

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FDA Quietly Finalizes Rule That Removes Informed Consent From Clinical Trials Read More »

FDA commissioner pushing off-label pharmaceutical use in illegal Big Pharma marketing scheme

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” Dr. Robert Califf, the current commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is on a mission to funnel billions of dollars in new profits both to Big Pharma and to his own pockets with the launch of a new illegal, off-label pharmaceutical drug-pushing scheme. It was after his first appointment to the

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FDA commissioner pushing off-label pharmaceutical use in illegal Big Pharma marketing scheme Read More »