
People Love Digital Enslavement…

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I have said it many times that people love their enslavement. People may think that they are free, but they are simply too distracted to see their own enslavement. People, or should I say sheeple, absolutely hate to leave their “bubble of safety“. They do not want to have to live under constant self reflection. […]

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People Love Digital Enslavement… Read More »

Most Don’t Realize They Are Being Attacked….

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From Bill Gates wanting to inject his cocktail into the masses to the federal reserve abolishing cash. Most Americans are still asleep and under the spell of the media distractions. From my experience trying to talk to most people just makes them cover their ears and run. They don’t want the truth, they just want

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Most Don’t Realize They Are Being Attacked…. Read More »


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Well….. The “deadly” COVID19 isn’t as “deadly” as the brainwashed sheeple say it was. I have seen through this massive takeover right from the very beginning. How much do you want to bet that this fear based manipulation of the masses continues, even with this being announced? Only if we continue to let it! Here

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This is reality, not sci-fi…

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If you enjoy sci-fi movies like The Terminator and such, then your love of the movie is on it’s way to become reality. You can stay asleep and remain a sheeple under their spell or you can choose to become a wolf and stare this evil straight in the eyes! I have said to sheeple

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This is reality, not sci-fi… Read More »

It’s Easier To Fool…

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Mark Twain said “It’s Easier To Fool Someone Than It Is To Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled”. Those words are truer today than ever in the history of mankind. It is easy to follow the crowd and to live within the distractions that have been put in place to keep you under the

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It’s Easier To Fool… Read More »

You Decide How This Ends…

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I want to remind all people, especially Americans, that you have the power to not comply with anything that will destroy your freedom. You can decide right here, right now to not be a compliant little slave sheep. You can find your inner strength and use it to ignore all of the fear mongering that

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You Decide How This Ends… Read More »

Good Reading.

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I know that most people nowadays don’t have enough attention span to do any serious reading. That’s something that the elites, government, and media love. They do not want people reading and gaining knowledge. You see, knowledge is power. They want you to stay glued to the “idiot box” called the television so you will

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Good Reading. Read More »


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This is my first and, in my opinion, most important post. Aldous Huxley, the author of the book “Brave New World“, written in 1931 described a dystopian society in which everyone will have their liberties taken away, but they will enjoy it. Americas freedom and liberty are being attacked like never before. The sad part

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WAKE UP! Read More »