Common heart attack medication Integrilin comes from RATTLESNAKE VENOM, targets cardiovascular and neurological functions

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A Chicago-based cardiologist whose patient tested “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2020 prescribed Integrilin, a drug made from the peptides of rattlesnake venom, for heart attack patients.

Because the Fauci Flu is linked to blood clots – and so is the “vaccine” – Dr. Sandeep Nathan decided to give the patient Integrilin, which was first approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) back in 1998.

In order to help clear the patient’s blood vessels to insert stents, Nathan and his team administered a cocktail of blood thinners that included Integrilin, which helped to break up the clots.

Many people missed it, but fake news giant CNN actually explained at the time how Integrilin is made, revealing that it was originally derived from a protein found in the venom of the pygmy rattlesnake.

“Several hundred thousand heart attacks occur in the United States every year, and a significant proportion of these heart attacks are treated with agents, which unbeknownst to both the physician and patient, are actually derived from animal venom,” Nathan was quoted as saying at the time.

“There’s a bit of a misconception that drug development, particularly with antiplatelets or anticoagulants, is now passé – that we’ve discovered everything that we need to know. In my opinion, nothing could be further from the truth.”

Animal venom is the way nature “take[s] a life,” says Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Nathan reportedly received a call not long after that from a biomedical scientist by the name of Zoltan Takacs, who is also involved in animal venom drugs but from a “different vantage point” than Nathan.


“He wanted to discuss possibilities for academic collaboration and education,” Nathan recalled about the time when he and Takacs first spoke.

While Nathan specializes in administering venom-derived drugs to his patients, Takacs focuses on the other side of the process: finding the venomous creatures themselves in order to extract their venom and turn it into drugs.

“What makes these creatures like a gold mine for medicine is actually the deadliness,” commented Dr. Sanjay Gupta, adding that toxins have been “tweaked by nature to take a life.”

“They aim (for) critical parts of the body, like the nervous function or the blood circulation. Those are the systems which you have to take under control in order to treat many different types of diseases.”

Seeing as how the Fauci Flu has never actually been isolated and proven to exist as a virus, some are now wondering if perhaps it is some other toxins that respond to animal venom.

If certain types of animal venom are helping covid patients avoid dying from blood clots, for instance, then is it a stretch to think that perhaps the covid bioweapon is something else for which venom drugs provide relief?

Takacs, by the way, is the co-inventor of an entire Designer Toxins drug discovery platform. He also founded ToxinTech, a biotechnology startup firm that houses a library of these “designer toxins,” which are available to researchers looking to build new drugs out of them.

“We’re actually not only creating toxin libraries, we’re doing a twist,” Takacs is quoted as saying about how it works.

“If we have a target for which there is not a good molecule which blocks that target, for example, then we look (to) nature. What kind of toxins around the world exists which target that particular molecule?”

In a nutshell, the field of venomics, at least in the way Takacs does it, involves genetically modifying animal venom to create “mosaic toxins.” These mosaic toxins are then administered to humans to treat disease.

More related news about the plandemic can be found at

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